Translation of "Lowly" in French

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Examples of using "Lowly" in a sentence and their french translations:

"Nor yet proud Ilion nor her towers had stood; / in lowly vales sequestered they abode."

" Ilion n'était pas, et des tribus sans noms / de l'Ida phrygien habitaient les vallons. "

Then with lowly downcast eye / she dropped her voice, and softly made reply. / "Ah! happy maid of Priam, doomed instead / at Troy upon a foeman's tomb to die! / Not drawn by lot for servitude, nor led / a captive thrall, like me, to grace a conqueror's bed."

Elle baisse les yeux ; et, s'exprimant à peine : / " Que je te porte envie, heureuse Polyxène ! / Ton cœur ne connut pas les douceurs de l'hymen ; / mais du moins tu péris sous les remparts de Troie, / mais les arrêts du sort qui choisissait sa proie / n'ont pas nommé ton maître, et, captivant ton cœur, / mis la fille des rois aux bras de son vainqueur. "

- Juno then, as a suppliant, addressed him in these words: "Aeolus (for the father of the gods has granted you authority to calm the seas and to stir them up with the winds), a race hateful to me is sailing upon the Tyrrhenian sea, carrying Troy along with its conquered gods to Italy."
- Him now Saturnia sought, and thus in lowly strain: / "O AEolus, for Jove, of human kind / and Gods the sovran Sire, hath given to thee / to lull the waves and lift them with the wind, / a hateful people, enemies to me, / their ships are steering o'er the Tuscan sea, / bearing their Troy and vanquished gods away / to Italy."

Devant lui la déesse abaissant sa hauteur : / " Roi des vents, lui dit-elle avec un air flatteur, / vous à qui mon époux, le souverain du monde, / permit et d'apaiser et de soulever l'onde, / un peuple que je hais, et qui, malgré Junon, / ose aux champs des Latins transporter Ilion, / avec ses dieux vaincus fend les mers d'Étrurie. "