Translation of "Intimidating" in French

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Intimidating" in a sentence and their french translations:

It's a bit intimidating.

C'est un peu intimidant.

He's a less intimidating prospect.

Il semble déjà moins intimidant.

I don't find it intimidating.

Je ne trouve pas ça intimidant.

Together, they make an intimidating crowd...

Ensemble, ils forment une troupe intimidante.

Those guys look kinda intimidating over there.

Ces gars m'intimident.

In a way that is easy, fast and less intimidating.

de manière simple, rapide et moins intimidante.

The most intimidating question that you can ask a young person:

la question la plus intimidante que l'on puisse poser à une jeune personne :

Don't worry. He may look intimidating at first glance, but he's actually a very friendly person.

Ne crains rien. Il peut sembler intimidant au premier regard, mais en fait, c'est une personne très liante.