Translation of "Witch" in Finnish

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Examples of using "Witch" in a sentence and their finnish translations:

She's a witch.

Hän on noita.

Burn the witch!

Polttakaa noita!

- I am not a witch.
- I'm not a witch.

En ole noita.

She's a nasty witch.

Hän on ilkeä noita.

Mary is a witch.

Mari on noita.

I am not a witch.

En ole noita.

The witch hunt has begun.

Noitavaino on alkanut.

- Mary is a sorceress.
- Mary is a witch.

Mari on noita.

The strange-looking woman was thought to be a witch.

Oudon näköistä naista luultiin noidaksi.

The nurse was a witch, though the king did not know it.

Imettäjä oli noita, mutta tätä kuningas ei tiennyt.

In a few moments you'll become either a holy martyr or a dead witch.

Ihan kohta sinusta tulee joko pyhä marttyyri tai kuollut noita.

The King did not know that the woman he held in his arms was not his own dear wife, but a wicked witch.

Kuningas ei tiennyt sitä, että nainen, jota hän syleili, ei ollut hänen rakas vaimonsa vaan ilkeä noita.