Translation of "Ballen" in English

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Examples of using "Ballen" in a sentence and their english translations:

Ballen zijn rond.

Balls are round.

Alle ballen zijn geel.

All of the balls are yellow.

Sommige ballen zijn geel.

Some of the balls are yellow.

Je hebt twee ballen.

You have two balls.

Een paar ballen zijn geel.

A few of the balls are yellow.

De Maya's maakten hun ballen van rubber.

The Mayas made their balls out of rubber.

Bij die Gutties merkten golfers dat hun oudere ballen,

Playing Gutties, golfers noticed that their older balls,

Overgestapt op solide, meerlaagse ballen zoals de Pro V1.

had switched to hitting solid multi-layer balls like the Pro V1.

Toms winkel verkoopt golfclubs, ballen, schoenen en andere accessoires.

Tom's store sells golf clubs, balls, shoes and other accessories.

Vóór de Pro V1 en gelijkaardige ballen, moesten spelers kiezen:

Before the Pro V1 and balls like it, players had to choose:

Galileo liet twee ijzeren ballen van de top van de toren vallen.

Galileo dropped two iron balls from the top of the tower.

Ballen met kuiltjes vliegen verder omdat lucht die in contact komt met een oneffen oppervlak,

Dimpled balls fly farther because air, coming into contact with an uneven surface,