Translation of "Zor" in English

0.020 sec.

Examples of using "Zor" in a sentence and their english translations:


It's tough.

- Arapça zor!
- Arapça zor.

Arabic is difficult!

- Öğrenmek zor.
- Bunu öğrenmek zor.

It's hard to learn.

Gerçekten zor.

Really, really hard.

Zor kurtuldum.

I had a narrow escape.

Zor birisin.

You're tough.

Söylemesi zor.

That's hard to say.

- Zor.
- Zormuş.

- It's difficult.
- That's hard.
- That's difficult.

Bu zor.

It's difficult.

İnanması zor.

It's hard to believe.

Zor değildi.

- It wasn't hard.
- It wasn't difficult.

Hatırlaması zor.

It's hard to remember.

Zor olacak.

- It'll be difficult.
- It'll be hard.
- It's going to be hard.
- That's going to be tough.
- This will be difficult.
- This will be hard.

Zor olacaktır.

It would be difficult.

Zor değil.

It's not hard.

Zor olma.

Don't be difficult.

Zor mu?

Is it hard?

Oldukça zor.

It's pretty hard.

Çok zor.

It's so hard.

Cevap zor.

The answer's tricky.

Açıklaması zor.

That's difficult to explain.

Zor durumdayım.

I am in deep water.

Anlaması zor.

- It is hard to understand.
- It's hard to understand.

Ayrılmak zor.

Leaving is hard.

Zor görünüyor.

- It seems hard.
- It seems difficult.

Zor geldi.

- I found that difficult.
- I found that hard.

- Çok zor görünmüyor.
- Çok zor durmuyor.

That doesn't look too hard.

- Problemi çözmek zor.
- Bu problemi çözmek zor.

- The problem is difficult to solve.
- It is difficult to solve this problem.

- Zar zor başladık.
- Biz zar zor başladık.

We barely started.

- Konsantre olmak zor mu?
- Yoğunlaşmak zor mu?

Is it difficult to concentrate?

- Bu çok zor değil.
- Çok zor değil.

- That isn't very difficult.
- That's not very difficult.

İlk başta zor.

At first, it's hard.

Birazcık zor oluyor.

It's a little bit tough.

Bunlar zor sorular.

These are tough questions.

Söylemesi biraz zor.

It's a bit of a mouthful.

Bu zor olacak.

This is sharp.

Zor bir karar.

Difficult decision.

Ama oldukça zor.

But it's hard.

zor olacağını düşünüyorlardı.

that it will be a challenge.

Bunları bağdaştırmak zor.

Both things are hard to combine.

Zor konular onlar

They are difficult issues

O zor olurdu.

That would be difficult.

Problemi çözmek zor.

- The problem is difficult to solve.
- It is difficult to solve this problem.

Soruyu cevaplamam zor.

It is difficult for me to answer the question.

Zar zor hazırlandım.

I was hardly prepared.

Et zor kesiliyor.

The meat cuts tough.

O zor biri.

She's a tough one.

Latince zor değil.

Latin is not hard.

Bu çok zor.

This is very difficult.

Bunu tanımlamak zor.

- It's hard to describe.
- It's difficult to describe.

Onunla konuşmak zor.

- It is difficult to talk to him.
- It's difficult to speak with him.

O çok zor.

- It's very difficult.
- It's really hard.
- That's very difficult.
- This is very hard.
- This is real hard.
- That's very hard.

Buna inanmak zor.

This is difficult to believe.

Onları bulmak zor.

They're hard to find.

Bu gerçekten zor.

- It's very difficult.
- This is very difficult.
- It's really tough.
- That's really hard.
- This is very hard.
- That's very hard.

Zor eğitime katlanamaz.

He cannot put up with hard training.

Zor testi geçebildi.

He was able to pass the difficult test.

Çok zor değildi.

That wasn't so hard.

Tom'u suçlamak zor.

It's hard to blame Tom.

Bulması zor değil.

- It's not hard to find.
- It isn't hard to find.

Arapça zor değil.

Arabic isn't hard.

Tarif etmek zor.

It's hard to describe.

Resim çizmek zor.

That's hard to picture.

O, zor değildi.

That wasn't difficult.

Uzaklığı belirlemek zor.

It is hard to determine the distance.

Zor mu duyuyorsun?

Are you hard of hearing?

Bulması zor değilsin.

You're not hard to find.

Sizinle çalışmak zor.

- You're difficult to work with.
- It's difficult to work with you.

Sigarayı bırakmak zor.

- Quitting smoking is hard.
- Quitting smoking is difficult.

Zor soru niçindir?

The difficult question is why.

Zor soru nerededir.

The difficult question is where.

Bu zor kısmı.

This is the hard part.

O zor olabilir.

That may be difficult.

Bu zor olabilir.

That could be difficult.

Tanımlamak gerçekten zor.

It's really difficult to describe.

Zengin olmak zor.

It's difficult being rich.