Translation of "Maalesef" in English

0.007 sec.

Examples of using "Maalesef" in a sentence and their english translations:



Maalesef yapamazsınız.

- I'm afraid you can't.
- I'm afraid that you can't.

Maalesef yapamam.

- I'm afraid I can't.
- I'm afraid that I can't.

Maalesef anlamıyorum.

- I'm afraid I don't understand.
- I'm afraid that I don't understand.

Maalesef tehlikedesin.

- I'm afraid that you're in danger.
- I'm afraid you're in danger.

Maalesef öyle.

I'm afraid so.

Maalesef haklıydım.

- I'm afraid I was right.
- I'm afraid that I was right.

Maalesef doğru.

- It is unfortunately true.
- Unfortunately, it's true.
- Unfortunately, that's true.
- Unfortunately, that is true.

Maalesef suç unsuru

Sorry, the criminal

Maalesef nevraljim var.

I'm afraid I have neuralgia.

Maalesef doktor dışarıda.

I'm afraid the doctor is out.

Bu maalesef doğru.

That's painfully true.

Err! Maalesef, hatalısın!

Err! Sorry, you are incorrect!

Maalesef, rapor doğrudur.

Unfortunately, the report is true.

Maalesef bilgi doğru.

Unfortunately, the information is accurate.

Maalesef o gelmeyecek.

I am afraid he won't come.

Maalesef o gelemez.

I'm afraid he cannot come.

Maalesef geç kalabilirim.

- I'm afraid that I might be late.
- I'm afraid I might be late.

Maalesef, o yoktur.

As it happens, she is absent.

Maalesef, Nancy haklıydı.

Unfortunately, Nancy was right.

Maalesef yanılıyor olmalısın.

- I'm afraid you must be mistaken.
- I'm afraid that you must be mistaken.

Maalesef bu gerçek.

Unfortunately this is real.

Maalesef o çalışmıyor.

I'm afraid it won't work.

Maalesef Tom gelemeyecek.

- I'm afraid Tom won't be able to come.
- I'm afraid that Tom won't be able to come.

Maalesef zamanımız kalmadı.

- I'm afraid we're out of time.
- I'm afraid that we're out of time.

Maalesef burada sıkıştık.

- I'm afraid we're stuck here.
- I'm afraid that we're stuck here.

Maalesef Tom öldü.

- I'm afraid Tom is dead.
- I'm afraid that Tom is dead.

Maalesef uygun değilim.

I'm afraid I'm not available.

Maalesef sana gücendim.

- I'm afraid I've offended you.
- I'm afraid that I've offended you.

Maalesef onunla evlenemezsin.

I'm afraid you can't marry her.

Maalesef yağmur yağacak.

I'm afraid it will rain.

Maalesef o olmadı.

- Unfortunately, that didn't happen.
- Unfortunately, that hasn't happened.

Maalesef, rapor doğru.

Unfortunately, the report is correct.

Maalesef bu doğru.

Unfortunately, that's correct.

Maalesef ben gelemiyorum.

I regret to say I can't come.

Maalesef çok geç.

- I am afraid it's too late.
- I'm afraid it's too late.

Maalesef Tom iyileşmeyecek.

- I'm afraid Tom's not going to recover.
- I'm afraid that Tom's not going to recover.
- I'm afraid Tom isn't going to recover.

Maalesef yanlış numara.

- I'm afraid you have the wrong number.
- I am afraid you have the wrong number.
- I'm afraid that you have the wrong number.

Maalesef sistem çöktü.

Unfortunately, the system is corrupted.

Maalesef reddetmek zorundayım.

- I'm afraid I have to refuse.
- I'm afraid that I have to refuse.

Çorba soğumuş maalesef.

Unfortunately, the soup is only lukewarm.

Maalesef, bu doğru.

- Unfortunately, that's true.
- Unfortunately, that is true.

Maalesef kahveyi tükettim.

- I'm afraid I've run short of coffee.
- I'm afraid that I've run short of coffee.

Maalesef, bebek öldü.

Unfortunately, the baby died.

Maalesef hayat bu!

That's life, unfortunately!

- Maalesef şu an hayatta değil.
- Maalesef artık hayatta değil.

Unfortunately, she is not alive anymore.

Maalesef 1980'lerden itibaren

Unfortunately, starting in the 1980s,

Maalesef sizler yüzünüzden bekledi,

Sorry, you waited on your face,

Maalesef, durum böyle değil.

Unfortunately, that's not the case.

Maalesef yanlış koltuğa oturdunuz.

I'm afraid you've taken the wrong seat.

Maalesef bu anahtar uymaz.

- I'm afraid this key does not fit.
- I'm afraid this key doesn't fit.

Maalesef okula geç kalacağız.

- I'm afraid we're going to be late for school.
- I'm afraid that we're going to be late for school.

Maalesef şimdi gitmek zorundayım.

- I'm afraid I have to go now.
- I'm afraid that I have to go now.

Maalesef davetinizi kabul edemem.

- I'm afraid I can't accept your invitation.
- I'm afraid that I can't accept your invitation.

Maalesef yarın yağmurlu olacak.

I'm afraid it will be rainy tomorrow.

Maalesef, onun hayali gerçekleşmedi.

Sadly, his dream didn't come true.

Maalesef onları zamanında bitiremem.

- I'm afraid I can't finish them in time.
- I'm afraid that I can't finish them in time.

Maalesef yarın yağmur yağabilir.

I'm afraid it may rain tomorrow.

Maalesef görüş alanım daraldı.

I'm afraid my visual field has narrowed.

Maalesef hiçbir şeyimiz kalmadı.

- I'm afraid we don't have any left.
- I'm afraid that we don't have any left.

Maalesef bugün yağmur yağıyor.

Unfortunately, it's raining today.

Maalesef pazartesi günü gidemeyiz.

- I'm afraid we can't go on Monday.
- I'm afraid that we can't go on Monday.

Maalesef babam burada değil.

I'm sorry, my father's not here.

Maalesef, bozuk param yok.

I'm sorry, I don't have change.

Maalesef yarın yağmur yağacak.

- I am afraid it will rain tomorrow.
- I'm afraid it's going to rain tomorrow.
- I'm afraid it'll rain tomorrow.

Maalesef bu oldukça ucuz.

I'm afraid it's rather cheap.

Maalesef babam evde değil.

- I'm sorry, my father is out.
- I'm sorry my father is out.
- Unfortunately, my father isn't at home.

Maalesef o onu yapamaz.

I'm afraid that he can't do it.

Maalesef bu yeterli olmayacak.

I'm afraid that won't be enough.

Maalesef zamanımızı boşa harcıyoruz.

- I'm afraid we're wasting our time.
- I'm afraid that we're wasting our time.

Maalesef bir şey yapamayız.

- I'm afraid we can't do anything.
- I'm afraid that we can't do anything.

Maalesef o mümkün değildi

I'm afraid that wasn't possible.

Maalesef Tom burada değil.

- I'm afraid Tom isn't here.
- I'm afraid that Tom isn't here.

Maalesef bu doğru değil.

I'm afraid it's not true.

Maalesef sana yardım edemem.

I'm afraid I can't help you. You must ask someone else.

Maalesef, yanlış numarayı arıyorsunuz.

Sorry, you're calling the wrong number.

Maalesef bu mümkün değil.

Unfortunately, it's not possible.

Maalesef ben yanlış trendeyim.

- I'm afraid I'm on the wrong train.
- I'm afraid that I'm on the wrong train.

Maalesef seni reddetmek zorundayım.

- I'm afraid I have to turn you down.
- I'm afraid that I have to turn you down.

Maalesef dileklerim yerine getirilmeyecek.

I'm afraid that my wishes will not be fulfilled.

Maalesef yanlış trene bindim.

- I'm afraid I took the wrong train.
- I'm afraid that I took the wrong train.

Maalesef galip gelmemiz imkansızdı.

It was unfortunately impossible for us to prevail.

Maalesef Tom cevap veremez.

- I'm afraid Tom can't answer.
- I'm afraid that Tom can't answer.

Maalesef iyileşenlerin sayısını bilmiyoruz.

Unfortunately we don't know the number of recoveries.

Genel olarak düşündüğümüzde ise böyle bir şey maalesef ama maalesef yok

When we think in general, such a thing is unfortunately but unfortunately there is no

Günümüzde dahi hala görememekteler maalesef

Unfortunately, they still can't see today