Translation of "Vería" in English

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Examples of using "Vería" in a sentence and their english translations:

Vería realmente Privacy Shield.

I would actually check out Privacy Shield.

Así se vería la interfaz.

this is what the interface would look like.

Y qué vería en la cima?

and what would I see on the peak?

Jamás pensé que la vería allí.

- Never did I think I would see her there.
- I never thought I'd see her there.

Mary dijo que me vería mañana.

Mary said she'd see me tomorrow.

Creía que no te vería nunca.

- I thought that I would never see you.
- I thought that I'd never see you.
- I thought I'd never see you.

Tom pensó que Mary no lo vería.

- Tom thought that Mary wouldn't see him.
- Tom thought Mary wouldn't see him.

Pensé que nunca vería la luz de nuevo.

I thought I would never see the light again.

Pensé que Tom jamás te vería otra vez.

- I thought Tom would never see you again.
- I thought that Tom would never see you again.

Ella prometió que lo vería después de clases.

She promised that she would meet him after school.

Muchas veces creí que no vería el próximo amanecer.

In many moments, I thought I won't see the next morning.

Que me vería obligada a entrar en un mundo

I'd be forced to walk into a world

Pensé que Tom se vería más como su hermano.

- I thought Tom would look more like his brother.
- I thought that Tom would look more like his brother.

Que compartían fotos íntimas pensando que las vería otro niño

sharing private photos thinking only another kid will see them

Tomás vería con sus propios ojos el futuro que había preparado.

Tom would see with his own eyes the future he had made.

Si viviéramos en la luna, ¿qué tan grande se vería la Tierra?

If we were to live on the moon, how large would the earth look?

Dijo que si no tenía cerebro e hice un video, se vería así

He said if I had no brains and I made a video, it would look like this

Hannibal sabía que estaba cercado y que una vez sus suministros disminuyeron, se vería obligado a

Hannibal knew he was hemmed in and that once his supplies dwindled he would be forced to

Anoche Mary se encontró con John aquí y dijo que su hermano te vería aquí esta tarde.

Last night Mary met John here and said that her brother would meet you here this afternoon.