Translation of "Mantuve" in English

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Mantuve" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Mantuve mi boca cerrada.
- Me mantuve callado.

I kept my mouth shut.

Lo mantuve conmigo.

I kept it with me.

Mantuve mi palabra.

I kept my word.

Mantuve el secreto.

I kept it a secret.

Mantuve mi boca cerrada.

I kept my mouth shut.

Pero me mantuve firme.

But I stood my ground.

Yo siempre mantuve mis promesas.

- I have always kept my promises.
- I've always kept my promises.

Durante años, mantuve esos recuerdos enterrados,

I buried the memories for years,

Mantuve la puerta cerrada con llave.

I kept the door locked.

Mantuve la herramienta en su formato original,

I kept the tool in its original format,

Y me mantuve y estoy orgullosa de haberlo hecho

and I kept at it and I'm glad that I did,

Me mantuve así y mi pesadilla en el trabajo solo empeoró

I stayed in it and it just added to my nightmare experience at work.

- Yo tuve una larga conversación con ella.
- Mantuve con ella una larga conversación.

- I had a long talk with her.
- I had a long conversation with her.