Translation of "Divertirse" in English

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Divertirse" in a sentence and their english translations:

Parecen divertirse.

- They seem to be enjoying themselves.
- They seem to be having fun.
- They appear to be having fun.
- It seems they're having fun.
- It seems they are having fun.
- It seems they are enjoying themselves.
- It seems they're enjoying themselves.
- They appear to be enjoying themselves.

Tom no sabe divertirse.

Tom doesn't know how to have fun.

Ellos solo quieren divertirse.

They just want to have fun.

Él solo quiere divertirse.

He just wants to have fun.

Ella solo quiere divertirse.

She just wants to have fun.

Ellas solo quieren divertirse.

They just want to have fun.

Tom parece divertirse provocando discusiones.

Tom seems to enjoy provoking arguments.

A Tom le gusta divertirse.

Tom likes to have fun.

Hay que divertirse un poco.

A little bit of fun is always good.

Él cortó el árbol para divertirse.

He cut down the tree for fun.

Es más fácil divertirse que trabajar.

It's easier to have fun than to work.

Tom no necesita dinero para divertirse.

Tom doesn't need money to have a good time.

- Tom no necesita dinero para divertirse.
- A Tom no le hace falta dinero para divertirse.

Tom doesn't need money to have a good time.

Beber, comer y divertirse, porque mañana moriremos.

eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die.

¿Qué hace la gente de aquí para divertirse?

What do people around here do for fun?

O como divertirse como un equipo puede girar.

or like having fun as a team can turn

- Lo importante es pasarlo bien.
- Es cuestión de divertirse.

It's all about having fun.

Como vivimos en el campo, hay poco que hacer para divertirse.

Living in the country, we have few amusements.

Porque realmente, realmente les gusta divertirse y desafiarse a sí mismos.

Because they really, really like amusing themselves and challenging themselves.

Tom parece divertirse mucho tratando de provocar tantos problemas como él pueda.

Tom seems to have a lot of fun trying to cause as much trouble as he can.

Sitio, hacer la compra y salir a divertirse. Eso significa m·s trabajos y muchÌsimo m·s

go shopping and get fun. Which means that more jobs and lots of

Cristóbal Colón despreciaba a los piratas, pero le encantaban sus parches. A veces llevaba uno sólo para divertirse.

Christopher Columbus despised pirates, but he loved their eyepatches. Sometimes, he would wear one - just for fun.