Translation of "Ellas" in English

0.024 sec.

Examples of using "Ellas" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Ellos bailarán.
- Ellas bailarán.
- Ellas danzarán.

They'll dance.

- Entraron.
- Llegaron.
- Ellas entraron.
- Ellas entraban.

- They came in.
- They came inside.

Ellas fumaron.

They smoke.

Ellas salieron.

- They went out.
- They walked out.

Ellas escriben.

They're writing.

Ellas nadaban.

- They were swimming.
- They swam.

Ellas saltaron.

They jumped.

Ellas sobrevivieron.

They survived.

- Ellos nadaban.
- Ellas nadaban.
- Ellas estaban nadando.

- They were swimming.
- They swam.

Ellas son lindas.

They are pretty.

Ellas hablan español.

- They're able to speak Spanish.
- They speak Spanish.

¿Dónde viven ellas?

Where do they live?

Ellas son médicas.

- They are doctors.
- They're doctors.

Ellas se divierten.

They're enjoying themselves.

Ellas están armadas.

They're armed.

¿Ellas son japonesas?

Are they Japanese?

Ellas compran pan.

They buy bread.

¿Ya llegaron ellas?

Have they arrived yet?

Ellas saben pescar.

They can fish.

Ellas se vistieron.

They put their clothes on.

Ellas lo compraron.

They bought it.

Ellas hablan mucho.

They talk too much.

Todas ellas entraron.

- They all entered.
- They all went in.
- Everybody went in.
- Everyone went in.

Ellas me molestan.

They bother me.

Ellas me siguen.

They're following me.

Ellas son polacas.

They're Polish.

Ellas son bellas.

They're lovely.

Ellas son inseparables.

They are inseparable.

Ellas están volviendo.

They're coming back.

Ellas tienen información.

They have information.

¿Son ellas estudiantes?

Are they students?

Ellas nos salvaron.

They saved us.

Ellas prefieren quedarse.

- They'd rather stay.
- They prefer to stay.

Ellas cometían incesto.

They are incestuous.

¡Ellas nunca aprenden!

They never learn!

- Ellos están regresando.
- Ellas están de vuelta.
- Ellas están volviendo.

They're coming back.

- Ellos se entienden entre ellos.
- Ellas se entienden entre ellas.

They understand each other.

A muchas de ellas.

damaged a lot of them.

Ellas parecían muy felices.

They looked very happy.

Me gustan ellas dos.

- I love both of them.
- I care for both of them.

Ellas aman esa canción.

- They love this song.
- They love that song.

¿Ellas cuidan del perro?

Do they take care of the dog?

Ellas aceptaron la oferta.

They accepted the offer.

Ellas no pueden detenerlo.

- They cannot stop him.
- They can't stop him.

Ellas confiaban en ti.

They trusted you.

Ellas trabajan bien juntas.

They make a great team.

Ellas están realmente cansadas.

They're really tired.

Ellas aceptan otras opiniones.

They accept other opinions.

Ellas vinieron de lejos.

They came from far away.

Ellas saben quién sos.

They know who you are.

Ellas se estaban divirtiendo.

They were enjoying themselves.

Ellas siempre son cuidadosas.

They're always careful.

Quizás ellas tengan algo.

Maybe they have something.

Ellas se pondrán celosas.

They will be jealous.

Ellas abrazaron a Mary.

They hugged Mary.

- Ellos ayudarán.
- Ellas ayudarán.

They will help.

Ellas deben ser felices.

They must be happy.

Ellas prueban el arroz.

They try the rice.

Ellas se pusieron nerviosas.

They became nervous.

Ellas son mis hermanas.

They are my sisters.

Ellas no tienen fiebre.

They don't have a fever.

Ellas esperaron su turno.

They waited their turn.

Ellas solo quieren divertirse.

They just want to have fun.

Ellas necesitan levantarse temprano.

They need to get up early.

Ellas apagaron la computadora.

They've shut down the computer.

Ellas no lograron nada.

They accomplished nothing.

Ellas no compraban pan.

They didn't buy any bread.

Ellas también lo vieron.

They also saw him.

- Ellos comen.
- Ellas comen.

They eat.

Ellas necesitan nuevos zapatos.

They need new shoes.

Ellas ya están aquí.

They're already here.

Ellas hablan sobre nosotras.

They speak about us.

Ellas no pueden salir.

They can't get out.