Translation of "Daría" in English

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Examples of using "Daría" in a sentence and their english translations:

Eso les daría poder.

it would empower them.

¿Me daría un descuento?

Would you give me a discount?

¿Me daría un ejemplo?

Could you give me an example?

Él no daría la orden.

He would not give the order.

Lo daría todo por reconquistarla.

I would give anything to win her back.

- Yo te daría la luna si pudiera.
- Si pudiese, te daría la luna.

I would give you the moon if I could.

Él daría casi todo por eso.

He would give an arm and a leg for that.

¿Me daría su email, por favor?

May I have your email, please?

Yo se los daría a ellos.

I would give it to them.

Ella no le daría un regalo.

She wouldn't give him a gift.

Si yo fuera rico, te daría dinero.

If I were rich, I'd give you money.

E incluso les daría interés por ello

And I would even give them interest for it

¿Me daría usted una almohada y una manta?

Could I have a pillow and blanket?

Me daría vergüenza llegar tarde a una cita.

It's embarrassing to be late for a date.

Si tuviera dinero, daría la vuelta al mundo.

If I had money, I could make the world go round.

Pensé que Tom daría un paseo antes de cenar.

- I thought Tom would take a walk before dinner.
- I thought that Tom would take a walk before dinner.

¿Me daría un cuchillo y un tenedor, por favor?

Could I have a knife and fork, please?

Un trabajo universitario te daría mucho más tiempo libre.

A university job would give you a lot more free time.

Incluso un niño se daría cuenta de la diferencia.

Even a child would notice the difference.

Si llegara a tener mucho dinero, te daría la mitad.

If I should make a lot of money, I would give you half of it.

Pensé que Tom le daría a María tu número telefónico.

- I thought Tom would give Mary your phone number.
- I thought that Tom would give Mary your phone number.

Eso daría lugar a inundaciones repentinas sin parangón en mi país.

That would create unprecedented flash floods in my country.

El autor no pensó que su novela daría lugar a tantas interpretaciones.

The author didn't think his novel would generate so many interpretations.

- Pensaba que te daría gusto verme.
- Creía que te alegrarías de verme.

I thought you'd be happy to see me.

Pensé que Tomás le daría el número de teléfono de Juan a María.

- I thought Tom would give Mary John's phone number.
- I thought that Tom would give Mary John's phone number.

Tom se preguntó por qué Mary no se daría un morreo con él.

Tom wondered why Mary wouldn't French kiss him.

- Pensé que Tom no se daría por vencido.
- Pensé que Tom no se rendiría.

- I thought Tom wouldn't give up.
- I thought that Tom wouldn't give up.

Daría mi vida por un beso de alguien que alguna vez fue mi amor.

I would give my life for a kiss from someone who was once my love.

Este nuevo texto le daría poderes plenos al presidente y podría ser el paso definitivo

This new text would give full powers the president and could be the final step

Probé el kebab en el nuevo restaurante la noche pasada. Sobre 10, le daría un 6.

I tried the kebab at the new restaurant last night. Out of 10, I'd give it a 6.

En un autobús a tope me daría rabia perder mi parada por culpa de otros pasajeros.

In a packed bus, it would infuriate me to miss my stop on account of other passengers.

Una demostración formal del principio de Peter daría un golpe a las estructuras corporativistas de muchos países.

A formal demonstration of the Peter principle would be a hit to the corporativist structures of many countries.