Translation of "¡vi" in English

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "¡vi" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Le vi.
- Lo vi.

- I saw him.
- I saw it.
- I've seen him.

- Yo vi el perro.
- Vi a un perro.
- Vi al perro.
- Vi un perro.

I saw a dog.

- Lo vi arrancar.
- Lo vi huir.

- I saw him run away.
- I saw him running away.

- Lo vi correr.
- Lo vi corriendo.

I saw him running.

- Le vi mirándome.
- Lo vi mirándome.

I saw him looking at me.

- No lo vi.
- No le vi.

I didn't see him.

- Lo vi.
- Vi eso.
- Veía eso.

- I've seen it.
- I saw it.
- I saw that.

- Ayer vi uno.
- Ayer vi una.

I saw one yesterday.

- Yo vi el perro.
- Vi a un perro.
- Vi un perro.
- Yo vi un perro.

- I saw a dog.
- I have seen a dog.

- Vi a un perro.
- Vi un perro.
- Yo vi un perro.

I saw a dog.

La vi.

I saw her.

Lo vi.

- I saw him.
- I saw it.
- I saw that.

Las vi.

I saw them.

Te vi.

I saw you.

Los vi.

I saw them.

- Yo vi el perro.
- Vi al perro.

I saw the dog.

- Vi la casa.
- Yo vi la casa.

I saw the house.

- Le vi tres veces.
- La vi tres veces.
- Lo vi tres veces.

I have seen her three times.

- Vi a un amigo.
- Vi a una amiga.

I saw a friend.

- Los vi a ellos.
- Las vi a ellas.

- I saw them.
- I've seen them.

- Lo vi hace poco.
- Le vi hace poco.

I saw him recently.

- Vi uno.
- Vi a uno.
- Veía a uno.

I saw one.

- Lo vi yo mismo.
- Yo misma lo vi.

I myself saw it.

- No vi qué ocurrió.
- No vi qué pasó.

I didn't see what happened.

- Te vi en televisión.
- Os vi en la televisión.
- Te vi en la televisión.

I saw you on television.

Vi este informe.

I saw this report.

Entonces te vi.

Then I saw you.

Vi… un tiburón.

I noticed... the shark.

Le vi saltar.

I saw him jump.

Lo vi correr.

I saw him running.

Vine, vi, vencí.

I came, I saw, I conquered.

Le vi salir.

I saw him go out.

La vi nadar.

I saw her swim.

Vi la imagen.

I looked at the picture.

Te vi ayer.

I saw you yesterday.

Ayer te vi.

I saw you yesterday.

Ya lo vi.

- I've seen it.
- I already saw it.

Vi un avión.

- I saw a plane.
- I saw an airplane.

Lo vi ayer.

It was yesterday that I saw him.

No la vi.

I didn't see her.

Lo vi escaparse.

I saw him running away.

Le vi ayer.

It was yesterday that I saw him.

Lo vi todo.

I saw everything.

Anoche vi algo.

Last night, I saw something.

Vi a alguien.

I saw somebody.

Vi a Dana.

I saw Dana.

Vi una pelea.

I saw a fight.

La vi ayer.

- I saw her yesterday.
- I saw them yesterday.

La vi desnuda.

I saw her naked.

Vi las noticias.

I saw the news.

Te vi llorar.

I saw you crying.

Le vi llorar.

- I saw him cry.
- I saw him crying.

La vi llorar.

I saw her crying.

Vi el amanecer.

I saw the sunrise.

Los vi besándose.

I saw them kissing.

Los vi matarlo.

I saw them kill it.

No lo vi.

I didn't see it.

Vi a Tom.

I saw Tom.

Yo no vi.

I didn't look.

Lo vi allí.

I saw him there.

Lo vi anoche.

I saw it last night.

Vi algo terrible.

I saw something terrible.

Yo lo vi.

I did see it.

Vi al perro.

I saw the dog.

Lo vi huir.

- I saw him run away.
- I saw him running away.