Translation of "блузка" in English

0.065 sec.

Examples of using "блузка" in a sentence and their english translations:

Блузка чиста.

The blouse is clean.

Блузка чистая.

The blouse is clean.

Это очень красивая блузка.

That's a very pretty blouse.

Эта блузка из хлопка.

This blouse is cotton.

Тебе нравится эта блузка?

Do you like this blouse?

На ней была красная блузка.

- She was dressed in a red blouse.
- She wore a red blouse.
- She was wearing a red blouse.

На Марии была розовая блузка.

Mary wore a pink blouse.

Где блузка, что я тебе купил?

- Where's the blouse I bought you?
- Where's the blouse that I bought you?
- Where's the blouse that I bought for you?
- Where's the blouse I bought for you?

Где блузка, которую я Вам купил?

Where's the blouse I bought you?

Где блузка, которую я тебе купил?

Where's the blouse I bought you?

Твоя блузка прекрасно сочетается с той юбкой.

Your blouse goes beautifully with that skirt.

Не знаю, подойдёт ли её новая блузка к синим джинсам.

I don't know if her new shirt will go with her blue jeans.

На ней были голубая блузка и светлая юбка и она несла чёрную сумку.

She had a blue blouse and a light skirt on and she was carrying a black bag.