Translation of "Авеля" in English

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Examples of using "Авеля" in a sentence and their english translations:

Каин убил Авеля.

Cain killed Abel.

Каин напал на Авеля.

Cain attacked Abel.

Как Бог наказал Каина за убийство брата Авеля?

How did God punish Cain for the murder of his brother Abel?

И еще родила брата его, Авеля. И был Авель пастырь овец, а Каин был земледелец.

And again she brought forth his brother Abel. And Abel was a shepherd, and Cain a husbandman.

И Авель также принес от первородных стада своего и от тука их. И призрел Господь на Авеля и на дар его.

Abel also offered of the firstlings of his flock, and of their fat: and the Lord had respect to Abel, and to his offerings.

И сказал Каин Авелю, брату своему: пойдем в поле. И когда они были в поле, восстал Каин на Авеля, брата своего, и убил его.

And Cain said to Abel his brother: Let us go forth abroad. And when they were in the field, Cain rose up against his brother Abel, and slew him.

И познал Адам еще жену свою, и она родила сына, и нарекла ему имя: Сиф, потому что, говорила она, Бог положил мне другое семя, вместо Авеля, которого убил Каин.

Adam also knew his wife again: and she brought forth a son, and called his name Seth, saying: God hath given me another seed for Abel, whom Cain slew.