Translation of "Incurável" in English

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Examples of using "Incurável" in a sentence and their english translations:

Essa doença é incurável.

That disease is incurable.

O alcoolismo é incurável.

Alcoholism is incurable.

Ele contraiu uma doença incurável.

He contracted an incurable disease.

Ele tem uma doença incurável.

He has an incurable disease.

Tom tem uma doença incurável.

Tom has an incurable disease.

O médico disse que esta doença é incurável.

- The doctor said that this disease is unhealable.
- The doctor said that this sickness is irremediable.

Segundo os médicos de Tom, sua condição é incurável.

According to Tom's doctors, his condition is incurable.

Mal perdiam de vista as terras da Sicília / e em rumo do alto mar alegres velejavam – / brônzeas proas sulcando as ondas espumosas – / quando Juno, em seu peito conservando / incurável ferida, a si mesma dizia: / “Será preciso que da empresa começada / eu desista vencida, sem poder / da Itália o rei dos teucros afastar, / porque sou impedida pelos fados?"

- Scarcely out of sight of the land of Sicily, they joyfully set sail on the deep, rushing into the salt spray with their bronze-capped prows, when Juno, cherishing her eternal wound in her breast, said to herself: "Am I vanquished, to give up on my plan, and unable to turn away the king of the Teucrians from Italy? Surely I am forbidden by the Fates."
- Scarce out of sight of Sicily, they set / their sails to sea, and merrily ploughed the main, / with brazen beaks, when Juno, harbouring yet / within her breast the ever-ranking pain, / mused thus: "Must I then from the work refrain, / nor keep this Trojan from the Latin throne, / baffled, forsooth, because the Fates constrain?"