Translation of "Esposas" in English

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Examples of using "Esposas" in a sentence and their english translations:

Reuniões com esposas, reuniões

Meetings with wives, meetings

Quantas esposas você teve?

How many wives have you had?

As esposas têm permissão de vê-los?

Are their wives permitted to see them?

Todas as esposas deles entraram no ônibus.

All of their spouses got on the bus.

Das cinco esposas que teve, três foram desleais.

Of the five wives he had, three were unfaithful.

Sua esposa criou um site chamado Esposas online.

his wife created a site called Esposas online.

Das cinco esposas que ele teve, três foram-lhe infiéis.

Of the five wives he had, three were unfaithful.

Em geral, Deus nos dá esposas completamente diferentes de nós.

Most often, God gives us wives who are completely different from us.

Quase todas as ex-esposas de Tom ainda falam com ele.

Almost all of Tom's ex-wives still talk to him.

Dizem que Ramsés II tinha seis esposas e mais de cem filhos.

Some say that Ramses II had six women and more than 100 children.

Dizem que Ramsés II teve 6 esposas e mais de 100 filhos.

Some say that Ramses II had six women and more than 100 children.

Por que não amar nossas próprias esposas? Nós amamos até a dos outros.

Why not love one's own wife? We even love others'.

Quando os homens começaram a multiplicar-se na terra e lhes nasceram filhas, os filhos de Deus viram que as filhas dos homens eram bonitas, e entre elas escolheram para esposas aquelas que mais lhes agradavam.

- And after that men began to be multiplied upon the earth, and daughters were born to them, the sons of God seeing the daughters of men, that they were fair, took to themselves wives of all which they chose.
- And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the Earth, and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

Eu não sei quem é o maior babaca; Vladimir Putin ou Bashar al-Assad: um assassina jornalistas e causou massacres na Tchetchênia e na Geórgia, o outro tortura crianças. Como é que as esposas desses caras aturam eles?

I don't know who is the biggest asshole, whether it's Vladimir Putin or Bashar al-Assad: one murders journalists and causes massacres in Chechnya and Georgia, the other tortures children. How can their wives even stand them?