Translation of "Ensinaram" in English

0.007 sec.

Examples of using "Ensinaram" in a sentence and their english translations:

Ensinaram-vos isso?

They taught you that?

Eles me ensinaram a jurar.

They just taught me to swear.

Meus pais me ensinaram a fazer isso.

My parents taught me how to do that.

Ensinaram-me a atirar primeiro e perguntar depois.

I was taught to shoot first and ask questions later.

Não seja preguiçoso, use o kanji que lhe ensinaram.

Don't be lazy, use the kanji you've been taught.

A geometria, por exemplo, que vos ensinaram na escola baseia-se num equívoco.

The geometry, for instance, they taught you at school is founded on a misconception.

Eles não o ensinaram bom senso assim como datilografia na escola onde você estudou?

Didn't they teach you common sense as well as typing at the school where you studied?

Os pássaros me ensinaram seus gorjeios e as árvores me convidaram para seus concertos.

The birds taught me their song and the trees invited me to their concerts.

Os pássaros me ensinaram sua canção e as árvores me convidaram para seus concertos.

The birds taught me their song and the trees invited me to their concerts.

Ensinaram-nos que Fernão de Magalhães era português mas que trabalhava a serviço da Espanha.

We were taught that Ferdinand Magellan was Portuguese but worked in the service of Spain.

Aqueles que educam bem as crianças são mais dignos de encômio do que aqueles que as produzem, pois os últimos apenas lhes deram a vida, enquanto os primeiros lhes ensinaram a arte de bem viver.

Those who educate children well are more to be honored than they who produce them; for these only gave them life, those the art of living well.