Translation of "Danificadas" in English

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Examples of using "Danificadas" in a sentence and their english translations:

Várias pontes foram danificadas ou destruídas.

Several bridges have been damaged or swept away.

Eles remarcaram as mercadorias danificadas em menos 40%.

- They marked the damaged goods down by 40%.
- They marked down the damaged goods by forty per cent.
- They reduced the price of the damaged goods by forty per cent.
- They cut the price of the damaged goods by 40%.

Um grande número de casas foram danificadas no terremoto.

A great many houses were damaged in the earthquake.

As placas de proteção em volta da chaminé estão danificadas.

The flashing around the chimney is damaged.

"Com vinte naus me fiz ao mar, deixando a Frígia; / a luz da deusa-mãe a me indicar a rota, / eu seguia o traçado do destino. / Mal me restaram sete naus, danificadas / pelas ondas que o vento encapelou".

"With twice ten ships I climbed the Phrygian main, / my goddess-mother pointing out the way, / as Fate commanded. Now scarce seven remain, / wave-worn and shattered by the tempest's strain."