Translation of "Wchodzisz" in English

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Examples of using "Wchodzisz" in a sentence and their english translations:


Are you coming in?

Wchodzisz czy nie?

Are you coming in or not?

Albo wychodzisz albo wchodzisz.

Either go out or come in.

Nie usłyszałem, jak wchodzisz.

I didn't hear you come in.

Na przykład, wchodzisz do lobby,

Say, for example, you walk into the lobby,

Wchodzisz w zupełnie inny świat.

You're stepping into this completely different world.

Czy Tom widział, jak wchodzisz?

Did Tom see you come in?

Zamykaj drzwi, jak wchodzisz do pokoju.

You are to shut the door after you enter a room.