Translation of "Szuka" in English

0.005 sec.

Examples of using "Szuka" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Czego pan szuka?
- Czego pani szuka?

What are you looking for?

On szuka pracy.

- He is looking for a job.
- He is seeking employment.
- He is after a job.

Tom szuka czegoś.

- Tom is searching for something.
- Tom is looking for something.

Ktoś cię szuka.

There is someone looking for you.

Czego szuka Tom?

What's Tom looking for?

Szuka go policja.

- The police are after him.
- The police are looking for him.

Czego pan szuka?

- What are you looking for?
- What're you looking for?
- What are you searching for?
- What're you guys looking for?

Tom szuka pracy.

Tom's looking for work.

Tom szuka rady.

- Tom wants advice.
- Tom is looking for advice.

Tom szuka kogoś.

Tom is looking for someone.

- Nie wiem, czego szuka Mary.
- Nie wiem, czego Mary szuka.

I don't know what Mary is looking for.

- Szef szuka kogoś do zrzucenia winy.
- Szef szuka kozła ofiarnego.

The boss is looking for someone to blame.

Dziecko szuka swojej matki.

- The baby wants its mother.
- The baby is looking for its mother.

Policja szuka przyczyny wypadku.

The police are looking into the cause of the accident.

Tom szuka swojej portmonetki.

Tom is looking for his wallet.

Kto szuka, ten znajdzie.

- Who searches, finds.
- Those who search, find.

Jakiej pracy pan szuka?

- What kind of job are you looking for?
- What type of job are you looking for?

Sami szuka swojej żony.

Sami is looking for his wife.

Tom szuka lepszej pracy.

Tom is looking for a better job.

Czy pan mnie szuka?

Are you looking for me?

Pająk Leucorchestris arenicola szuka partnerki.

This white lady huntsman spider is looking for a mate.

Ona szuka kluczyków od samochodu.

She is looking for her car keys.

Zawsze szuka błędów u innych.

He is always finding fault with other people.

Wielu studentów szuka tymczasowej pracy.

Many students are looking for part-time jobs.

Nie wiem czego szuka Maria.

I don't know what Maria is looking for.

Hotel szuka nowego szefa recepcji.

The hotel is looking for a new head receptionist.

Czy Tom nadal szuka Mary?

Is Tom still looking for Mary?

Tom prawdopodobnie mnie właśnie szuka.

Tom is probably looking for me right now.

Policja już nas nie szuka.

The police aren't chasing us anymore.

łowca węży codziennie szuka niebezpiecznej nagrody.

the official snake catcher digs daily for a dangerous bounty.

Nasz zespół szuka w ludzkiej wiedzy

Our team has scoured humanity's wisdom

Szuka ciemnego i spokojnego skrawka ziemi.

She's searching for a dark, quiet patch.

On szuka sobie miejsca do zamieszkania.

He's looking for a place to live.

Tom nie wie, czego Mary szuka.

Tom doesn't know what Mary is looking for.

Myślę, że Tom szuka swoich kluczy.

- I think Tom is looking for his keys.
- I think that Tom is looking for his keys.

Ktoś powiedział, że Tom nas szuka.

Someone said Tom is looking for us.

Dlaczego on/ona go nie szuka?

Why don't you look for him?

- Tom szuka pracy.
- Tom poszukuje pracy.

- Tom is seeking a job.
- Tom's looking for work.
- Tom is hunting for a job.
- Tom is looking for a job.
- Tom is job hunting.
- Tom is looking for work.

Większość zwierząt w miastach szuka tylko jedzenia.

Most animals only visit urban areas looking for food.

Mój mąż jest bezrobotny i szuka pracy.

My husband is out of work and looking for a job.

Mam nadzieję, że Tom nas nie szuka.

I hope Tom isn't looking for us.

Więc szuka dojrzałych owoców, ściskając każdy delikatnie ustami.

so to check for ripeness, he gives each fig a gentle squeeze with his lips.

Tom pracuje jako kelner, ale szuka lepszej pracy.

Tom is working as a waiter, but he's looking for a better job.

Czy to jest ten klucz, którego szuka twój wujek?

Is this the key your uncle is looking for?

Tom szuka pracy odkąd stracił poprzednią w zeszłym roku.

Tom has been hunting for a job since he lost his previous job last year.

Tom szuka kogoś, kto pomoże mu przetłumaczyć dokument z francuskiego na angielski.

Tom is looking for someone to help him translate a document from French into English.