Translation of "Nakarmić" in English

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Nakarmić" in a sentence and their english translations:

Zapomniała nakarmić psa.

She forgot to feed the dog.

Zapomniał nakarmić psa.

He forgot to feed the dog.

Czas nakarmić jej rodzinę.

Time to feed her family.

Muszę nakarmić mojego psa.

I need to feed my dog.

Muszę nakarmić mojego kota.

I have to feed my cat.

A potem może przyjdzie skorpion, by nakarmić się owadami.

And then maybe a scorpion will come and and try and feed off the insects.

A potem może przyjdzie skorpion, by się nimi nakarmić?

and then maybe a scorpion will come and try and feed off the insects.

Jak daleko mogą rozwinąć się technologie Holland pomaga nakarmić cały świat?

How far can the technologies developed in Holland help feed the entire world?