Translation of "Ilu" in English

0.009 sec.

Examples of using "Ilu" in a sentence and their english translations:

Ilu masz braci?

How many brothers do you have?

Ilu osobom powiedziałeś?

How many people did you tell?

Ilu ludzi widzisz?

How many people do you see?

Dla ilu osób?

For how many people?

Ilu surferów widzieliście?

How many surfers did you see?

Ilu mieszkańców ma Tokio?

How large is the population of Tokyo?

Ilu masz bliskich przyjaciół?

How many close friends do you have?

Ilu ludzi tam jest?

How many people are in there?

Ilu jest tu studentów?

How many students are here?

Ilu godzin snu potrzebujesz?

How many hours of sleep do you need?

Ilu ludzi, tyle opinii.

- Each has his own taste.
- Many men, many minds.
- To each his own.
- Different strokes for different folks.
- Ask ten people, get ten answers.

Ilu Państwa jest? 3 osoby.

"For how many?" "Three."

Ilu ludzi mieszka na Antarktydzie?

How many people live in Antarctica?

Ilu studentów jest w szkole?

How many students are there in the school?

Ilu mieszkańców liczy Nowy Jork?

What is the population of New York?

Ilu z nas tam było?

How many of us were there?

Ilu z was tu mieszka?

How many of you live here?

Ilu ludzi jeszcze tu jest?

How many people are still there?

Ilu z was zna Toma?

How many of you know Tom?

Ilu mniej więcej jest widzów?

Approximately how large is the community?

Ilu mieszkańców ma Nowy Jork?

How large is the population of New York City?

Ilu mieszkańców liczy to miasto?

How large is the population of this city?

Ilu z was miało ukochanego zwierzaka?

And how many of you have cared about a certain animal in your life?

Ilu jest uczniów w twojej szkole?

- How many pupils are there in your school?
- How many students are there in your school?

Ilu pasażerów jest na tym statku?

How many people are on board the ship?

Ilu uczniów jest w Państwa szkole?

How many pupils are there in your school?

Do ilu szkół w sumie chodziłeś?

- How many different schools have you attended in all?
- All in all, how many different schools have you attended?

Ilu jest chłopców w twojej klasie?

How many boys are there in your class?

Ile masz sióstr, a ilu braci?

How many sisters do you have, and how many brothers?

Ilu chłopców jest w tej klasie?

How many boys are in this class?

Ilu chłopców jest w waszej klasie?

How many boys are there in your class?

Ilu jeszcze ludzi o tym wie?

How many other people know about this?

Ilu ludzi jest na tej imprezie?

How many people are at this party?

Nie wiadomo, ilu z nich przetrwało.

- How many of them survived is not known.
- It's not known how many of them survived.
- It isn't known how many of them survived.

Ciekawe, ilu dotąd nauczyliśmy się złożeń.

How many proverbs have we learned so far?

Ilu uczniów jest w twojej klasie?

- How many pupils are there in your class?
- How many students are there in your class?

Nie wiem, ilu przetrwa tę sytuację.

I don't know how many are going to endure this situation.

Jak pan sądzi, ilu jest widzów?

How large is the audience?

Ilu jest studentów na twoim uniwersytecie?

How many students are there in your university?

Ilu jest chłopców w tej klasie?

How many boys are there in this class?

Ilu uczniów jest w tej szkole?

How many students are there in this school?

Ilu znasz jeszcze facetów o imieniu Tom?

How many other guys named Tom do you know?

Mam siedmiu przyjaciół. A ilu ty masz?

I have seven friends. What about you?

Ilu słów z tej listy nie znasz?

- How many of the words on this list do you not know?
- How many of the words on this list don't you know?

Ilu z was planuje być tu znów jutro?

How many of you plan to be here again tomorrow?

Można w ten sposób oszacować, ilu niewolników pracuje na ciebie.

It gives you an estimate of how many slaves are working for you.

- Iloma językami dobrze się posługujesz?
- W ilu językach dobrze mówisz?

How many languages do you speak well?

Nikt nie wie dokładnie, ilu ludzi uważało się za hippisów.

No one knows exactly how many people considered themselves hippies.

Zapytał policjantów ilu ludzi zostało zabitych w wypadkach drogowych poprzedniego dnia.

He asked the policeman how many people had been killed in traffic accidents the previous day.

Nie wiem ilu dokładnie było tam gości. Wydaje mi się, ponad trzystu.

I don't know exactly how many visitors there were. I think three hundred something.