Translation of "새끼는" in English

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Examples of using "새끼는" in a sentence and their english translations:

‎새끼는 안전하게 먹이를 먹습니다

The chick can feed in safety.

‎새끼는 부모를 찾다가 ‎탁아소에서 멀어졌습니다

His search has taken him away from the protection of the crèche...

‎마침내, 새끼는 귀에 익은 ‎울음소리를 듣습니다

At last, the pup hears a familiar call.

‎어미가 사냥을 하는 동안 ‎새끼는 제힘으로 살아남아야 하죠

She must fend for herself while her mother is fishing.

‎이 새끼는 ‎겨우 생후 2주 됐습니다 ‎배가 고프죠

This chick is barely two weeks old... and hungry.

‎낯선 이에게 졸라 봤자겠지만 ‎새끼는 열심히 해 봅니다

Begging strangers won't work, however hard he tries.

‎어린 녀석들은 갈증에 시달리고 ‎갓 태어난 새끼는 완전히 지쳤죠

The young ones are getting thirsty. The newborn is totally exhausted.

‎갓 태어난 새끼는 ‎낮에 이동하느라 지쳤죠 ‎시원할 때 최대한 멀리 ‎이동해 둬야 합니다

Traveling far by day, for the newborn calf, is exhausting. They must cover as much distance as possible while it's cool.

‎태어난 지 몇 주 안 된 새끼는 ‎마침내 나무 사이로 들리던 소리가 ‎무엇인지 알게 됩니다

A baby, just a few weeks old... finally putting shapes to the sounds he's heard through the trees.