Translation of "너무" in English

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Examples of using "너무" in a sentence and their english translations:

뭔가를 쓰기 시작했는데 그게 너무 너무 지루하다면?

What if I start writing this thing, but it's super boring?

너무 복받치네요.

I'm just so emotional.

너무 쉬웠죠.

Too easy.

너무 좋아요!

I love it! -[thud] -[Bear] Whoo!

너무 간지러워요

Oh, that's too much. That is too much.

너무 창피하다

Oh, this is so embarrassing.

너무 무겁다

Oh, it's so heavy.

너무 자유로워요.

It just feels so freeing.

바다에 비교하면 규모가 너무 작고 너무 늦은 대책이지 않을까요?

it would still be too little, too late.

갈수록 너무 위험해집니다

This is getting pretty dicey now.

너무 늦지 않았나?

Is it too late?

너무 킁킁거리지는 말고...

as long as you don't sniff too much...

지도가 너무 작았어요.

It was too small.

이름이 너무 적나라했어요

they weren't trying to hide what their motives were.

가끔은 너무 외로워서

but sometimes I feel a loneliness so intense

회의가 너무 길었습니다.

can physically talk.

동전이 너무 많네요

So much coinage.

그리고 이러한 양보는 너무 적었을 뿐더러, 이미 때가 너무 늦은 상황이었다.

But these concessions were too little, far too late.

너무 강하다고 하거나 말이죠.

maybe it's too strong,

사실이라고 하기에는 너무 좋잖아요?

Too good to be true, right?

너무 복잡하게 생각하지 마세요.

Don't overcomplicate it.

포기하기엔 너무 멀리 왔습니다

[Bear] We've come too far to give up now.

너무 많은 열량을 소비했어요

You burn so many calories out here.

너무 많은 칼로리를 소비했어요

You burn so many calories out here.

속이 너무 안 좋아요

I'm not feeling too good.

사실, 이에 너무 익숙해져서

In fact, I'd grown so accustomed to it

저는 너무 화가 났죠.

I was so angry

친구의 충고가 너무 신선해서

His advice was so unexpected,

‎너무 밝으면 쉽게 들키고

Too bright, and they're easily spotted.

이 수치는 너무 충격적입니다

The numbers are staggering,

흑인 피부는 너무 어둡다.

and our skin is too dark.

하지만 너무 안락해져서는 안됩니다.

But don't get too comfortable,

‎그걸 보고니 너무 속상했어요

You had that terrible feeling in your stomach.

그가 너무 온건하다고 생각하세요?

You think he’s too moderate?

혹시 지금 너무 외롭다면...

But if you are ever feeling overwhelmed by this,

하지만 이분은… 너무 건강하세요

But she's too-- you're too healthy.

부작용이 너무 많지 않은지?

Are there too many side effects?

하지만 너무 멀리 갔어요

But then he went too far.

너무 남보여주기식이고 방정맞게 느껴졌어요.

It felt too showy, it felt too melodramatic.

감명 깊게 읽었죠. 너무 멋있었어요.

And I was blown away. It was the coolest thing ever.

과제가 너무 어려워서 실패한다면 어떨까?

but it's really bad and I fail the assignment?

너무 규모가 큰 비현실적인 행렬입니다.

The caravan would be huge - far too impractical.

또, 물은 너무 단순한 분자라서

and it's such a simple molecule,

너무 깊이 들어가지마세요, 아니면 놓칩니다.

don't get too deep into the weeds, or you'll lose them.

문제를 해결하기엔 너무 늦었을지도 모릅니다.

and it's almost too late to help.

그때는 이미 너무 늦었을지도 모릅니다.

it may already be too late.

너무 지치고 감당할 수 없게되어

and it can be so intense and overwhelming,

저는 아리핀의 이야기가 너무 좋은데

And I love Arifeen's story so much,

그 친구는 너무 태평인 거예요.

but he was so relaxed.

아시는 것처럼, 제약이 너무 많습니다.

You know, women, they have so many inhibitions.

여기까지만 할 때가 너무 많죠.

Too often, the story ends here.

제가 상상한 거랑 너무 달랐어요.

because he looked nothing like I'd imagined.

우리가 투자를 너무 많이 했으니까요.

because we put too much into this.

통증이 너무 심해서 그만둬야 했어요.

So much that he had to stop doing it.

‎너무 어두우면 ‎사냥감이 안 보입니다

Too dark, and they can't see their prey.

‎그러나 너무 강한 태양은 ‎치명적입니다

But too much sun can kill.

너무 잘 바스러지는 바위가 많습니다

A lot of this rock is really crumbly.

이웃이 말했죠. "저런, 너무 불운하군요."

And the neighbors say, "Oh, that's terrible luck."

보이지 않는 부분도 너무 많습니다.

everything from people to mountain ranges.

너무 미안해서 어찌해야 할지 모르겠어

I can't help it. I feel guilty.

- 작아서 너무 놀랐어요 - 정말 놀라셨네요

- It's tiny. I'm so surprised. - You're actually surprised.

우리에게 주는 기압이 너무 낮죠

the pressure exerted on you by the atmosphere would be very low.

그녀는, "이 프로젝트때문에, 너무 즐거웠거든."

She said, "That is because of this project, it's been fun."

그녀는 너무 신나보였고, 나에게 미소를 지었습니다.

She looked so excited, and she smiled at me.

어깨에 올리는 것은 저에게 너무 무거웠거든요.

because it was way too big for me to do that.

너무 오래됐고 현재와 동떨어져 있기 때문이죠.

because it's so old and remote from us.

문제는 너무 많은 것들이 있다는 겁니다.

The problem is there are just too many things.

세계 인구는 너무 빠르게 증가하고 있어

our global population is growing so fast

너무 복잡해서 저도 잘 이해 못했습니다.

It's so complicated, I hardly understood the experiment.

"너무 부수고싶게 생겨서 어쩔 수 없었나봐요."

"It's so tempting, he just couldn't help himself."

너무 평범하기 때문이에요. 그냥 일어나는 일들이죠.

They're too ordinary, they're what normally happens.

규모가 너무 작아서 잘 되진 않았어요.

And it didn't work out, because we were subscale.

저의 여행은 너무 유명한 휴대전화 영상과

My journey began with a terribly popular cell phone video

‎처음에는 너무 막막했죠 ‎흔적을 포착하기가 어려웠어요

And that was very frustrating at first, so difficult to discern.

당연하죠, 다른 무엇보다 나무가 너무 인상적이었어요

Absolutely. And I think the biggest thing was trees.

양질의 잉여 물질이 너무 많이 버려집니다.

that just needs to find the people that need it the most.

하지만 모양이 이제는 너무 늘여져 있습니다.

but it’s obvious that the country shapes are now stretched.

포도당이 혈액으로 너무 빨리 들어가게 되면

In addition, fast flow of glucose into the blood

우리 몸은 너무 많은 인슐린을 분비해

often causes our body to release too much insulin,

저한텐 너무 가식적으로 느껴졌어요. 진정성이 없었죠

it didn't feel right to me, it didn't feel genuine, it didn't feel true.

이런, 제가 너무 재수없어 보이기 시작하네요.

Boy, I'm kind of starting to sound like a little bit of a dick.

그냥 살아 있는 것 자체로도 너무 버거웠어요.

It was so incredibly hard, it takes so much work just to be alive.

근데 너무 이상한 거예요. 내 인생은 엉망인데.

which is weird because I feel like I'm such a mess.

무언가가 당신이 너무 행복해지지 못하게 붙잡고 있어요.

There's something holding you back, holding you back from getting too happy.

너무 빨랐죠, 저도 알아요. 정말 많은 정보입니다.

Now, that was too fast, I know; that's a lot of information.

적혈구가 구부러지는 이유는 혈관이 너무 좁기 때문인데요,

The reason they bend is that the vessel is too small.

"있지, 네가 만나는 사람 난 너무 걱정돼.

"Look, I am really concerned about this person that you're dating.

사회적 변화를 가져오기에는 그건 너무 순진한 방법이죠.

That's a naive way of creating a social change.

우리는 너무 많은 선택 속에 살고 있습니다.

We live in a world of overwhelming choice.

모든 걸 볼 수는 없죠. 너무 소모적입니다.

We can't see everything - it would be too exhausting -

이 버려진 광산은 너무 불안정해져서 채광이 중단됐습니다

[Bear] This abandoned mine became too unstable to work in,

우리가 목소리를 내면 금전적으로 위험이 너무 커요.

our voices are too big a financial risk.

인종 차별 주의자이며, 그들이 너무 중요한 세대죠.

apparently they're racist and they're so important.

RH: 맞아요, 너무 원초적이게 될 수 있죠.

RH: Right, get too base --

그의 주요 반대파들은 바이든이 너무 온건하다 비판하죠

His primary opponents have criticized Biden for being too moderate.

저와 당에 비해 너무 온건한 사람일지도 모르죠

He might be too moderate for me and for the party.

필터가 너무 커서 극세사가 통과하여 배출 지점에서

are often too large to stop them from passing through and flowing to a discharge point

우리가 할 수 없기 때문에 너무 비싸다.

and it is too expensive because we can't

저는 너무 놀라 말을 할 수 없었죠.

I was so shocked I couldn't speak.

행진을 할 수 없었고 저는 너무 망연자실했어요.

but it involved no marching, and I was just so devastated.