Translation of "Bizantina" in English

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Examples of using "Bizantina" in a sentence and their english translations:

Inoltre, accrebbe l'influenza bizantina sul Regno di Lazica,

In addition, he fostered Byzantine influence over the kingdom of Lazica,

E l'offensiva bizantina a Nisibis e Thebetha fu fermata,

and a Byzantine offensive on Nisibis and Thebetha was defeated,

Una nobildonna bizantina, il che aumentò la legittimità del re agli occhi della nobiltà locale.

a Byzantine noblewoman, all of which increased the king's legitimacy in the eyes of the local nobility.

Osservando la formazione di battaglia bizantina, era ovvio a Firouz che il suo esercito era superiore.

Observing the Byzantine battle order, it was obvious to Firouz that his army was the superior one.