Translation of "Hittem" in English

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Examples of using "Hittem" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Azt hittem, alszol.
- Azt hittem, hogy alszol.
- Azt hittem, aludtál.

- I thought you were sleeping.
- I thought that you were sleeping.

Hittem neked.

I believed you.

Hittem Tomiban.

- I believed Tom.
- I believed in Tom.

Hittem Tomnak.

I believed in Tom.

Hittem önnek.

I believed you.

- Azt hittem, hogy beteg.
- Azt hittem, beteg.

I thought he was sick.

- Úgy hittem, kedvelsz engem.
- Úgy hittem, kedvelsz.

I thought you liked me.

- Azt hittem, bízhatok benned.
- Azt hittem, megbízhatok önben.

- I thought I could trust you.
- I thought that I could trust you.

- Eleinte nem hittem neked.
- Kezdetben nem hittem neked.

At first, I didn't believe you.

- Azt hittem, hozzád megyünk.
- Azt hittem, elmegyünk hozzád.

- I thought we were going to your place.
- I thought that we were going to your place.

Jó ötletnek hittem.

I thought it was a great idea.

Azt hittem, fölkészültem, –

I thought I was ready to go --

Azt hittem meghalt.

I thought he had died.

Nem hittem el.

I couldn't believe it.

Azt hittem, elveszítettelek.

- I thought I'd lost you.
- I thought that I'd lost you.

Azt hittem, orvos.

I believed that he was a physician.

Azt hittem, leszúrtak.

- I thought I'd been stabbed.
- I thought that I'd been stabbed.

Nem hittem nekik.

I didn't believe them.

Nem hittem neki.

I didn't believe him.

Alig hittem el.

I could scarcely believe it.

Azt hittem, eljön.

I thought he was coming.

Azt hittem, meghalok.

- I thought I would die.
- I thought that I would die.

Azt hittem, megegyeztünk.

I thought we agreed.

Azt hittem, tudjátok.

- I thought that you already knew.
- I thought you already knew.

Azt hittem, tudod.

- I thought that you already knew.
- I thought you already knew.

Soha sem hittem.

- I've never believed that.
- I have never believed that.

Azt hittem, hazamentek.

I thought you went home.

- Azt hittem, sosem hívsz.
- Azt hittem, sosem hívsz fel.

- I thought you would never call.
- I thought you'd never call.
- I thought that you'd never call.

- Úgy hittem, hogy kedvelsz.
- Úgy hittem, hogy kedvelsz engem.

I thought you liked me.

- Azt hittem, hogy tetszettem neked.
- Azt hittem, hogy kedveltél.

I thought you liked me.

- Azt hittem, hogy barátok vagyunk.
- Azt hittem, barátok vagyunk.

I thought we were friends.

- Azt hittem, hogy jó volt.
- Azt hittem, jó volt.

I thought it was good.

Azt hittem, okos vagy."

I thought you were smart."

Alig hittem a szememnek.

I scarcely believed my eyes.

Először azt hittem, beteg.

- At first, I thought they were sick.
- At first, I thought I was sick.
- At first, I thought he was sick.
- At first, I thought she was sick.

Nem hittem a szemeimnek!

I could not believe my eyes!

Azt hittem, hogy ingyenes.

- I assumed it was free.
- I assumed that it was free.

Azt hittem, megtanultad mostanra.

- I thought you had learned that by now.
- I thought that you had learned that by now.

Azt hittem, ez nyilvánvaló.

- I thought that was obvious.
- I thought that that was obvious.

Azt hittem, éhes vagy.

- I thought you were hungry.
- I thought that you were hungry.

Nem hittem a szememnek.

I couldn't believe my eyes.

Azt hittem, boldog vagy.

I assumed you were happy.

Kezdetben nem hittem neki.

- I didn't believe him at first.
- At first, I didn't believe him.

Nem hittem a füleimnek.

I couldn't believe my ears!

Először nem hittem neki.

I didn't believe him at first.

Azt hittem, Bostonba mész.

- I thought you were going to Boston.
- I thought that you were going to Boston.

Azt hittem, Tomi zenész.

- I thought Tom was a musician.
- I thought that Tom was a musician.

Azt hittem, hogy szeretsz.

- I thought you loved me.
- I thought that you loved me.

Azt hittem, hogy imádod.

- I thought you loved it.
- I thought that you loved it.

Azt hittem, szolgálatban vagy.

I thought you were on duty.

Azt hittem, nem tudja.

- I thought you didn't know that.
- I thought that you didn't know that.

Azt hittem, valaki meghalt.

- I thought somebody died.
- I thought that somebody died.
- I thought that someone died.
- I thought someone died.
- I thought that somebody had died.
- I thought somebody had died.
- I thought that someone had died.
- I thought someone had died.

Azt hittem, mindannyian kanadaiak.

- I thought they were all Canadians.
- I thought that they were all Canadians.

Először nem hittem Tomnak.

I didn't believe Tom at first.

Azt hittem, hogy beteg.

I thought she was sick.

Azt hittem, felismerted Tomot.

- I thought you recognized Tom.
- I thought that you recognized Tom.

Könnyebb volt, mint hittem.

It's been easier than I thought.

Azt hittem, báró vagy.

I thought that you were a baron.

Azt hittem, haragszol Tomira.

I thought you were mad at Tom.

Azt hittem, könnyebb lesz.

- I thought it would be easier.
- I thought that it would be easier.

Azt hittem, Tom tette.

- I thought that Tom did that.
- I thought Tom did that.

Azt hittem, Tom hiányzik.

- I thought Tom was absent.
- I thought that Tom was absent.

Nem hittem, hogy megsérülök.

- I didn't think I'd get hurt.
- I didn't think that I'd get hurt.

Először azt hittem, vicc.

At first, I thought it was a joke.

Azt hittem, hogy alszol.

I thought you were asleep.

Azt hittem, hogy lehetséges.

- I thought it was possible.
- I thought that it was possible.

Azt hittem, Mary Tom.

I thought Mary was Tom.

Bolondabb vagy, mint hittem.

You're crazier than I thought.

Azt hittem, ismerem őt.

I thought I knew him.

- Azt hittem, te más vagy.
- Azt hittem, hogy te más vagy.

- I thought you'd be different.
- I thought that you'd be different.

- Azt hittem, Tomi iskolában van.
- Azt hittem, hogy Tomi iskolában volt.

- I thought Tom was at school.
- I thought that Tom was at school.

- Azt hittem, apám meg akar ölni.
- Azt hittem, apám mindjárt megöl.

- I thought that my father was going to kill me.
- I thought my father was going to kill me.

- Azt hittem, hogy ti mások vagytok.
- Azt hittem, hogy mások vagytok.

I thought you were different.

- Azt hittem, hogy te más vagy.
- Azt hittem, hogy más vagy.

I thought you were different.

- Úgy hittem, hogy mi legjobb barátok vagyunk.
- Úgy hittem, hogy legjobb barátok vagyunk.
- Úgy hittem, legjobb barátok vagyunk.

I thought we were best friends.

- Azt hittem, Tomi már otthon van.
- Azt hittem, Tomi már otthon lesz.

- I thought Tom was still at home.
- I thought that Tom was still at home.

- Azt hittem, Tom nem hiányzik.
- Azt hittem, Tomi nincs a hiányzók között.

- I thought Tom wasn't absent.
- I thought that Tom wasn't absent.

Azt hittem, ott halok meg!

I nearly died.

Azt hittem, elhárították a zűrt.

I thought it was fixed.

Azt hittem, lehagytak egy nullát,

I thought they left a zero off,

Mégis bonyolultabbnak bizonyult, mint hittem.

But it turned out to be more difficult than I thought.

Azt hittem, üzleti ügyben jöttél.

- I thought you had come on business.
- I thought that you had come on business.

Azt hittem, hazament már Tom.

- I thought Tom had already gone home.
- I thought that Tom had already gone home.

Azt hittem, hogy bízol bennem.

- I thought you trusted me.
- I thought that you trusted me.

Azt hittem, mérges vagy rám.

- I thought you were mad at me.
- I thought that you were mad at me.

Azt hittem, Tom barátja vagy.

- I thought you were Tom's friend.
- I thought that you were Tom's friend.

Azt hittem, csalódni fogsz bennem.

- I thought you'd be disappointed in me.
- I thought that you'd be disappointed in me.

Azt hittem, sokkal kövérebb leszel.

- I thought you'd be much fatter.
- I thought that you'd be much fatter.

Azt hittem, büszke leszel rám.

- I thought you'd be proud of me.
- I thought that you'd be proud of me.

Azt hittem, te szeretsz olvasni.

I thought you loved reading.