Translation of "Hitte" in English

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Examples of using "Hitte" in a sentence and their english translations:

Először nem hitte el.

He didn't believe it at first.

Senki nem hitte el.

Nobody could believe it.

Azt hitte, orvos vagyok.

She thought I was a doctor.

Nem hitte el a történetét.

He couldn't believe her story.

Tamás azt hitte, Mari szereti.

- Tom thought that Mary loved him.
- Tom thought Mary loved him.

Azt hitte Tomi, hogy álmodik.

Tom thought he was dreaming.

Azt hitte, hogy a lány boldog.

He took it for granted that she was happy.

- Ki hitte volna!
- Ki gondolta volna!

- Who would've thought?
- Who would have thought?

Azt hitte Tomi, hogy bolond vagyok.

- Tom thought I was crazy.
- Tom thought that I was crazy.

Mary azt hitte, hogy Tom alszik.

Mary thought that Tom was asleep.

Azt hitte Tomi, hogy Mari viccel.

Tom thought Mary was kidding.

Tévedett, mikor azt hitte, hogy miatta jött.

He was wrong in thinking that she'd come to see him.

Mária azt hitte, meg tudja változtatni Tomot.

Mary thought she could change Tom.

Tom azt hitte, hogy Mary már hazament.

- Tom thought Mary had already gone home.
- Tom thought that Mary had already gone home.

Azt hitte Tomi, hogy senki nincs otthon.

- Tom thought nobody was home.
- Tom thought that nobody was home.

Tom azt hitte, hogy senki sincs otthon.

- Tom thought no one was at home.
- Tom thought nobody was at home.
- Tom thought that no one was at home.

Ki hitte volna, hogy kilyukasztom egy barátom fülét?

Who would have thought that I would have pierced a friend's ear?

Mert azt hitte, élvezni fogja, ahogy zsidókat ölnek.

because he thought he would enjoy seeing Jews get killed.

Tom nem hitte, hogy ez valaha is megtörténhet.

Tom didn't think that would ever happen.

Ennek a történetnek egy szavát sem hitte el.

He was incredulous of the story.

Mary úgy hitte, hogy Julia a testvére volt.

Mary believed that Julia was her sister.

Tom mondta, hogy azt hitte, Mary Johnnal volt.

- Tom said he thought Mary was with John.
- Tom said that he thought Mary was with John.
- Tom said that he thought that Mary was with John.
- Tom said he thought that Mary was with John.

- A története annyira nevetséges volt, hogy senki sem hitte el.
- A története annyira képtelen volt, hogy senki sem hitte el.

His story was too ridiculous for anyone to believe.

Tom azt hitte, hogy Mary nem bocsátana meg neki.

- Tom thought that Mary wouldn't forgive him.
- Tom thought Mary wouldn't forgive him.

Arisztotelész azt hitte, hogy a Föld a világ közepe.

Aristotle believed that the Earth was the center of the universe.

és így hitte másnap a The Wall Street Journal is.

and so did the "Wall Street Journal" on the following day.

Tom nem hitte el, hogy Mary tényleg ilyen ostobaságot tenne.

- Tom couldn't believe that Mary would really do something that dumb.
- Tom couldn't believe Mary would really do something that dumb.

Magasabb árat mondott, feltehetőleg azért, mert azt hitte külföldi vagyok.

He quoted a higher price possibly because he thought I was a foreigner.

Tom ügyvédje nem hitte, hogy az esküdtszék azt gondolná, hogy Mary egy megbízható tanú volt.

Tom's lawyer didn't think that the jury would think that Mary was a reliable witness.

Tom azt mondta, nem hitte el, hogy Mari tényleg azt tervezte, hogy elmegy bowlingozni Johnnal.

- Tom said that he didn't believe Mary really planned on going bowling with John.
- Tom said that he didn't believe that Mary really planned on going bowling with John.
- Tom said he didn't believe that Mary really planned on going bowling with John.

Ahogy a heves harcok kibontakoztak, Napóleon még mindig azt hitte, hogy csak az ellenség hátsó őrzőjével áll szemben.

As heavy fighting broke out, Napoleon still believed he faced only the enemy rearguard.

Mikor Tomi magához tért a kórházban, és meglátta azt a nővérkét, azt hitte, hogy már a Mennyországban van.

When Tom came to in the hospital and saw that nurse, he thought he was already in heaven.

Az, aki nemrég még azt hitte, hogy irányít, mozdulatlan fekszik egy faládában; s a hátramaradók, belátván, hogy hasznát többé nem vehetik, elégetik a kemencében.

He, who thought he was leading, is lying motionlessly in a wooden box, and those who were left behind, realising that he cannot be of use anymore, are cremating him.

Egyszer, amikor a barátom, Kavai házába mentem, elsütött egy pisztolyt. A csövével rám célzott, mivel azt hitte, hogy nincs megtöltve, de töltve volt, és a golyó a fülemet súrolta, majd a mögöttem lévő szekrénybe csapódott.

Once, when I went to my friend Kawai's house, he fired a pistol. He thought it was not loaded and pointed it at my mouth, but it was and the bullet grazed my ear before hitting the closet.