Translation of "Héber" in English

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Examples of using "Héber" in a sentence and their english translations:

Anyanyelvem a héber.

- Hebrew is my mother tongue.
- Hebrew is my native tongue.
- Hebrew is my native language.

(Héber) Sok sikert a nyelvtanulásukhoz.

(Hebrew) I wish you lots of success with your studies.

A héber egy bonyolult nyelv.

Hebrew is a difficult language.

A héber egy nehéz nyelv.

Hebrew is a difficult language.

- Milyen nyelveket ismersz, Tomi? - C++, Java és még egy kicsit a PHP-t. Veled mi a helyzet, Mari? - Francia, japán és héber.

"What languages do you know, Tom?" "C++, Java and a little PHP. What about you, Mary?" "French, Japanese and Hebrew."