Translation of "Marshal" in Japanese

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Marshal" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Marshal Foch's railway carriage at Compiègne.


Thanks to the intercession of Marshal Macdonald.

thanks to the intercession of Marshal Macdonald.

Neu..... der epische Geschichtsfernsehladen - Manga Marshal s!

ナポレオンは、大きな、独立したコマンドを使用して信頼性があり ます 。。。。。 エピックヒストリーTVストア–マンガマーシャルs!

Marshal Suchet verhielt sich als Gouverneur von Aragon ganz anders.

アラゴンの行政を握ったスーシェ元帥の行動は 特異なものだった

Napoleon bekam wenigstens Hilfe vom schwerkämpfenden Marshal Oudinot und dem zweiten Corps,

ナポレオンは 奮闘していたウーディノー第Ⅱ軍団と 合流して最低限の戦力を得た

While two French corps under Marshal Lannes began a second, bloody siege of Zaragoza,


Even wishing to see him fail… not something they saw from the 'Iron Marshal' very often.

even wishing to see him fail… not something they saw from the 'Iron Marshal' very often.

He also testified on behalf of Marshal Ney – but could not save him from a firing squad.

He also testified on behalf of Marshal Ney – but could not save him from a firing squad.