Translation of "Parlerons" in English

0.022 sec.

Examples of using "Parlerons" in a sentence and their english translations:

Nous parlerons demain.

We'll talk tomorrow.

Nous parlerons après.

We'll talk afterwards.

- Nous en parlerons demain.
- Nous parlerons de ceci demain.

We'll talk about this tomorrow.

Nous en parlerons demain.

We'll talk about it tomorrow.

Nous parlerons bientôt, Tom.

We'll talk soon, Tom.

De quoi parlerons-nous ?

What'll we talk about?

Nous en parlerons prochainement.

We'll talk about that soon.

Nous parlerons au dîner.

We'll talk at dinner.

Nous en parlerons plus tard.

We'll talk about it later.

Parlerons-nous suisse allemand ensemble ?

Shall we speak Swiss German together?

Nous parlerons dans mon bureau.

We'll talk in my office.

Nous parlerons de ça demain.

We'll talk about it tomorrow.

Nous en parlerons dans quelques jours.

We'll talk about it in a few days.

Ensuite, nous parlerons à madame Pam Roland.

Next, we will talk to Ms. Pam Roland.

D'abord, nous parlerons au docteur Benjamin Burns.

First, we will talk to Doctor Benjamin Burns.

Quand les affaires tourneront, nous parlerons d'une augmentation.

When your business gets rolling we'll talk about an increase.

- Nous en parlerons demain.
- Nous en discuterons demain.

We'll talk about it tomorrow.

- Nous parlerons au dîner.
- On parlera au dîner.

We'll talk at dinner.

- Nous en parlerons plus tard.
- Nous en causerons plus tard.

We'll talk about it later.

Je rentrerai à la maison et nous parlerons calmement de tout.

I’ll come home and we’ll calmly talk about everything.