Translation of "Fortifications" in English

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Fortifications" in a sentence and their english translations:

Le vestige le plus important des fortifications de la vieille ville

The most important remnant of the old city fortifications

La destruction rapide d'importantes fortifications frontalières suscite de vives inquiétudes à Constantinople.

Destruction of important border fortifications in quick succession causes great concern in Constantinople.

Devant ses fortifications mais si près d'elles que sa ligne arrière toucherait presque

in front of his fortifications but so close to them that his rear line would almost touch

Quand il atteignit Lisbonne, il trouva la ville protégée par de nouvelles fortifications - les

When he reached Lisbon, he found the city protected by new fortifications – the impregnable

Les fortifications de la ville ont assuré la protection pendant près de 500 ans.

The city fortifications provided protection for almost 500 years.

Pendant que César était occupé à essayer d'élargir sa ligne de fortifications pour confiner Pompée

While Caesar was being busy trying to expand his line of fortifications to confine Pompey

S'est mis à creuser une ligne de fortifications dans la ligne de César afin d'occuper

set into digging a line of fortifications within the line of Caesar in order to occupy