Translation of "Laskeudun" in English

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Examples of using "Laskeudun" in a sentence and their english translations:

Haluat siis, että laskeudun alas kanjoniin.

Okay, so you want me to rappel down into the canyon?

Haluat, että laskeudun alas pienen termospullon avulla.

You want me to rappel... off this little flask?

Heitän köyden reunan yli ja laskeudun alas.

[imitates rope lashing] line over the edge, and rappel down.

Kanjonissa on liian kapeaa. Laskeudun köydellä kanjonin reunalle -

It's too narrow in that canyon. So, I'm gonna rappel on to the edge of the canyon,

Kun laskeudun sen ohi,  paluuta ei enää ole.

The problem is once I drop over this, I'm pretty committed. There's no coming back up.