Translation of "Have  " in Turkish

0.012 sec.

Examples of using "Have  " in a sentence and their turkish translations:

- Have fun.
- Have fun!

- Eğlenmenize bakın.
- Eğlenin!

Have poultry, have a flight, have a termite

kanatlısı var uçanı var termiti var

- Have fun.
- Have a nice time.
- Have a good time.
- Have fun!

Eğlenmenize bakın.

We have to have hope.

Umutlu olmalıyız.

I have to have that.

Ona sahip olmak zorundayım.

We have to have this.

Buna sahip olmak zorundayım.

You have to have confidence.

Güvenin olmak zorunda.

I have to have it.

Ben buna sahip olmalıyım.

We have to have focus.

Odaklanmak zorundayız.

- We have it!
- We have him!
- We have her!

- Biz ona sahibiz.
- Biz onun sahibiyiz!

- We have guests.
- We have visitors.
- We have some houseguests.

Misafirlerimiz var.

We have commit, we have liftoff.

. Taahhüt ettik, kalkışımız var.

You have to have an operation.

Bir ameliyat geçirmeniz gerekir.

- Let's have fun!
- Let's have fun.


- Have fun.
- Have a nice time.

İyi eğlenceler.

"Have you eaten?" "Yes, I have."

"Sen yemek yedin mi?" "Evet, yedim"

Walls have ears, shouji have eyes.

Duvarların kulakları vardır, shouji'nin gözleri vardır.

- I have money.
- I have cash.

Param var.

- Have no fear.
- Have no fear!

Korkun olmasın.

- Have a doughnut.
- Have a donut.

Bir tatlı çörek ye.

We have to have a plan.

Bizim bir planımız olmak zorunda.

Dogs have masters. Cats have staff.

Köpeklerin efendileri var. Kediler kadroya sahip.

Dogs have masters, cats have servants.

Köpeklerin ustaları var, kedilerin hizmetçileri var.

Angels have harps, devils have bodhráns.

Meleklerin arpları, şeytanların bodhránları vardır.

Animals have instincts, we have taxes.

Hayvanların içgüdüleri var, bizim vergilerimiz var.

I have to have more confidence.

Daha fazla güvene sahip olmak zorundayım.

- Have fun.
- Have a good time.

İyi eğlenceler.

Dogs have masters. Cats have servants.

Köpeklerin sahipleri, kedilerin hizmetçileri vardır.

- You can have it.
- You may have it.
- They may have it.
- They can have it.

Onu alabilirsin.

- I don't have any children.
- I don't have kids.
- I don't have any kids.
- I have no children.
- I don't have children.
- I have no kids.

Benim hiç çocuğum yok.

Have another.

Bir tane daha al.

Have some.

Biraz al.

Have breakfast.

Kahvaltı yap.

Have lunch.

Öğle yemeği ye.

Have mercy!

Merhamet et!

Have faith.

- İnançlı ol.
- İnan.
- Biraz sabır.

Don't have a house, have a neighbour.

Ev alma, komşu al.

- I have returned.
- I have come back.

Ben geri geldim.

- The walls have ears.
- Walls have ears.

Yerin kulağı var.

- Have you ordered?
- Have you already ordered?

Sipariş ettin mi?

Everything you have will have you someday.

Sahip olduğun her şey bir gün seni ele geçirecektir.

I'll have to have my camera repaired.

Kameramı tamir ettirmek zorunda kalacağım.

I have sisters. I have no brothers.

Benim kız kardeşlerim var. Erkek kardeşlerim yok.

I have things I have to do.

Yapmam gereken şeyler var.

Cats don't have owners, they have staff.

- Kedilerin sahibi olmaz, hizmetçisi olur.
- Kedilerin sahibi yoktur, elemanı vardır.

Dogs have owners, but cats have staff.

Köpeklerin sahibi, kedilerin ise hizmet edeni vardır.

- I have two nieces.
- I have two cousins.
- I have two nephews.

İki yeğenim var.

- We have two kids.
- We have two children.
- We have two sons.

- İki çocuğumuz var.
- İki oğlumuz var.

- I don't have kids.
- I have no children.
- I have no kids.

Hiç çocuğum yok.

- I have one sister.
- I have a sister.
- I have one sibling.

Bir kardeşim var.

- I have no money, but I have dreams.
- I don't have any money, but I have dreams.

Hiç param yok, ama hayallerim var.

- I have a job I have to do.
- I have a job that I have to do.

Yapmak zorunda olduğum bir işim var.

- That'll have to do.
- This will have to do.
- It'll have to do.
- It will have to do.
- This'll have to do.

Bu idare eder.

- Have you eaten breakfast yet?
- Did you have breakfast?
- Have you had breakfast?
- Have you had breakfast yet?
- Have you already eaten breakfast?
- Have you already had breakfast?
- Have you eaten breakfast already?

Kahvaltı yapmış mıydın?

- I do not have any money.
- I have no money.
- I don't have any money.
- I don't have money.
- I don't have cash.

- Benim hiç param yok.
- Hiç param yok.
- Param yok.

- Do you have any children?
- Do you have children?
- Do you have kids?
- Do you have any kids?

Çocuğunuz var mı?

- That should not have happened.
- It shouldn't have happened.
- This shouldn't have happened.
- This should not have happened.

Bu olmamalıydı.

- We have no sugar.
- We don't have sugar.
- We don't have any sugar.

Bizde şeker yok.

- You have no choice.
- They have no choice.
- You don't have a choice.

Seçeneğin yok.

- I have no money.
- I don't have any money.
- I don't have money.

Hiç param yok.

- That should not have happened.
- It shouldn't have happened.
- That shouldn't have happened.

Bu olmamalıydı.

- Do you have any children?
- Do you have children?
- Do you have kids?

- Onun hiç çocuğu var mı?
- Çocuğunuz var mı?

- Does Tom have kids?
- Does Tom have children?
- Does Tom have any kids?

Tom'un çocukları var mı?

- Do you have a toothache?
- Do you have toothache?
- Have you got toothache?

Dişin ağrıyor mu?

- I'd have gone if I could've.
- I'd have gone if I could have.

Gidebilseydim giderdim.

- Have you eaten breakfast yet?
- Have you had breakfast?
- Have you had breakfast yet?
- Have you already eaten breakfast?
- Have you already had breakfast?

Kahvaltı yaptın mı?

- Have you eaten your dinner already?
- Have you eaten dinner yet?
- Have you had dinner already?
- Have you eaten dinner?
- Have you eaten supper yet?
- Have you already eaten dinner?
- Have you had dinner yet?

Önceden akşam yemeğini yedin mi?

We have the knowledge. We have the technology.

Gereken bilgiye de teknolojiye de sahibiz.

Why do we have to have cataclysmic events

Empati kurabilmek için

You have to have a piece of pie.

Bir dilim pasta almak zorundasın.

- Have a good weekend!
- Have a good weekend.

İyi bir hafta sonu geçirmeniz dileğiyle!

- Have a great weekend.
- Have a great weekend!

Harika bir hafta sonu geçirin.

- We have no sugar.
- We don't have sugar.

Hiç şekerimiz yok.

- I have turned 20.
- I have turned twenty.

Ben yirmiyi geçtim.

- Have a nice weekend.
- Have a nice weekend!

- Güzel bir hafta sonu geçirin.
- İyi hafta sonları!

- I have a suggestion.
- I have a proposal.

- Benim bir önerim var.
- Bir teklifim var.

- Have you had dinner?
- Have you eaten dinner?

Akşam yemeği yedin mi?

I have no time to have a rest.

Dinlenmek için vaktim yok.

- I have weak sight.
- I have bad eyesight.

Kötü bir görüş yeteneğim var.

- They have the horse.
- They have a horse.

Onların bir atı var.

- Have you decided?
- Have you made a decision?

Bir karara vardınız mı?

- Do you have children?
- Do you have kids?

Çocukların var mı?

- Have a safe trip.
- Have a safe journey.

İyi yolculuklar.

You have to return what you have stolen.

Ne çaldıysan iade etmek zorundasın.

- You have no proof.
- You have no evidence.

Elinizde delil yok.

- Have a nice trip!
- Have a nice trip.

İyi yolculuklar.

- Have a seat, please.
- Have a seat, please!

Oturun, lütfen.

- We have no secrets.
- We don't have secrets.

Hiçbir sırrımız yok.

- I have a girlfriend.
- I have a friend.

Bir kız arkadaşım var.

- I have a tomcat.
- I have a cat.

Bir erkek kedim var.