Translation of "Regarded" in Spanish

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Regarded" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

He is regarded as missing.

- Está considerado como desaparecido.
- Se considera desaparecido.
- Se da por desaparecido.

She regarded him as stupid.

Ella le consideraba estúpido.

Philosophy is often regarded as difficult.

La filosofía es a menudo considerada difícil.

We regarded his behavior as childish.

Su comportamiento nos pareció infantil.

Einstein regarded himself as a philosopher.

Einstein se consideraba un filósofo.

The dog regarded his master anxiously.

El perro miró ansiosamente a su dueño.

Has regarded them as objects of wonder.

las ha contemplado con admiración.

She regarded the story as a joke.

Ella pensó que esa historia se trataba de una broma.

The soldiers were regarded as cannon fodder.

A los soldados los consideraban carne de cañón.

I regarded him as a good teacher.

Yo lo consideraba un buen profesor.

He is regarded as a great statesman.

Él es considerado un gran político.

His retreat from Wallachia was regarded as shameful.

Su retirada de Valaquia fue considerada como vergonzosa.

They regarded him as the best doctor in town.

Le consideraban el mejor médico de la ciudad.

They regarded the man as a danger to society.

Ellos consideraban a ese hombre como un peligro para la sociedad.

The raven is regarded a bird of bad omen.

El cuervo es considerado pájaro de mal agüero.

I regarded him as the best doctor in town.

Yo lo consideraba el mejor médico de la ciudad.

Auguste Comte is regarded as the father of sociology.

Auguste Comte es considerado el padre de la sociología.

He has been regarded as Japan's answer to Picasso.

Ha sido considerado como la respuesta de Japón a Picasso.

Napoleon never regarded Mortier as  suitable for major, independent command,  

Napoleón nunca consideró a Mortier apto para un mando importante e independiente,

Which they regarded as meddling in their own front yard.

que consideraban una intromisión en su patio delantero.

He was regarded as the greatest writer of the day.

Él fue premiado como el mejor escritor del día.

- The American government has always regarded England as America's house pet.
- The US government has always regarded England as the United States' house pet.

El gobierno de Estados Unidos siempre ha considerado a Inglaterra como su mascota.

Making use of fire may be regarded as man's greatest invention.

El hacer uso del fuego puede ser considerado como el invento más grande del hombre.

He was regarded as a hero for saving his friend's life.

Él fue visto como un héroe por salvar la vida de su amigo.

But any area that isn't in an EEZ is regarded as

Pero cualquier área que no esté en una ZEE se considera como

Televisions with vacuum tubes are regarded as being behind the times.

- Los televisores con tubos de vacío son consideradas un atraso.
- Los televisores con tubos de vacío son consideradas obsoletas.

He is an excellent fixer, and has always been regarded as such.

Él es un excelente reparador, y siempre ha sido considerado como tal.

Suchet was a brilliant commander, widely-regarded as the best administrator in Napoleon’s

Suchet era un comandante brillante, considerado el mejor administrador del ejército

Member of the French imperial family, and  well-regarded by Swedish army officers,  

miembro de la familia imperial francesa y bien considerado por Oficiales del ejército sueco,

As a matter of fact, all great discoverers have been regarded as dreamers.

De hecho, todo gran descubridor ha sido considerado como un soñador.

When Davout got into a row with Marshal  Murat, whom he regarded as incompetent,  

Cuando Davout se peleó con el mariscal Murat, a quien consideraba incompetente,

He became one of the few men that Napoleon regarded as a true friend.

Se convirtió en uno de los pocos hombres que Napoleón consideraba un verdadero amigo.

- He is regarded as a great statesman.
- He's considered to be a great politician.

Él es considerado un gran político.

Macdonald spent an unhappy year in Catalonia, commanding troops in what he regarded as an

Macdonald pasó un año infeliz en Cataluña, al mando de tropas en lo que él consideraba una

For a long time the story of King Hrolf was regarded rather like the story of King Arthur,

Durante mucho tiempo, la historia del rey Hrolf se consideró más bien como la historia del rey Arturo,

The washing-up machine at home was regarded as a rival to the worker at the kitchen sink.

El lavaplatos de casa fue considerado una amenaza por el encargado del fregadero.

Schopenhauer regarded madness as the possibility of enduring pain, as a form of escape from a tragic event.

Schopenhauer veía la locura como una manera de sobrevivir al dolor, una forma de escapar a un acontecimiento trágico.

Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful.

- A la religión la consideran verdadera la gente normal, falsa los sabios, y útil los mandatarios.
- Los ciudadanos comunes consideran cierta a la religión, los sabios la consideran falsa y los mandatarios la consideran útil.

As long as war is regarded as wicked, it will always have its fascination. When it is looked upon as vulgar, it will cease to be popular.

Mientras la guerra sea considerada como perversa, ella siempre tendrá su fascinación. Cuando se considere vulgar, ella va a cesar de ser popular.

He that feared the word of the Lord among Pharaoh's servants, made his servants and his cattle flee into houses. But he that regarded not the word of the Lord, left his servants, and his cattle in the fields.

Los siervos del faraón que temieron la palabra de Yahvé recogieron en casa a sus esclavos y ganados, mas los que no hicieron caso de la palabra de Yahvé, dejaron en el campo a sus esclavos y ganados.