Translation of "Presently" in Spanish

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Presently" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

They came presently to our rescue.

Ellos vinieron inmediatamente a nuestro rescate.

I was building a tomorrow that didn't presently exist.

me hicieron construir un mañana que no existía.

He instantly agreed to it, and I presently found that I could save half what he paid me.

Él aceptó de inmediato, y de pronto supe que podría ahorrar la mitad de la cantidad que me daba.

Send therefore now presently, and gather together thy cattle, and all that thou hast in the field; for men and beasts, and all things that shall be found abroad, and not gathered together out of the fields which the hail shall fall upon, shall die.

"Ahora, pues, manda recoger tu ganado y cuanto tienes en el campo. Sobre todos los hombres y animales que se hallen en el campo y no sean recogidos en casa, caerá el granizo y los matará."