Translation of "Hurting" in Spanish

0.056 sec.

Examples of using "Hurting" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

hurting you.


- You're hurting me.
- You are hurting me.

- Me lastimas.
- Me estás lastimando.

Stop hurting me.

Deja de hacerme daño.

It's not hurting.

que no está perjudicándote.

- You hurt me.
- You're hurting me.
- You are hurting me.

Me lastimas.

Am I hurting you?

¿Te estoy lastimando?

Tom's chest is hurting.

A Tomás le duele el pecho.

Nothing is hurting me.

No me duele nada.

Yanni's feet are hurting.

A Yanni le duelen los pies.

- My head's hurting a lot.
- My head is hurting a lot.

Me duele mucho la cabeza.

Fear of hurting somebody else,

el miedo a lastimar a alguien,

My arm is hurting badly.

Mi brazo duele mucho.

Which eye is hurting you?

¿Cuál ojo te duele?

Let's stop hurting each other.

Ya está bien de hacernos daño.

She was afraid of hurting him.

Ella temía herirlo.

Her arms and stomach were hurting badly.

Le dolían mucho los brazos y el estómago.

Than tell another man that they're hurting.

que decirle a otro hombre que está sufriendo.

- My heart's aching.
- My heart is hurting.

Me duele el corazón.

That are hurting right now our public health.

que están perjudicando ahora mismo a nuestra sanidad pública.

In this moment, when so many are hurting,

En estos momentos, cuando tanta gente sufre,

Impact, or if it's actually hurting your rankings.

impacto, o si en realidad está perjudicando tus rankings.

You're making are helping you or hurting you.

que estás haciendo te están ayudando o perjudicando.

We're at risk of wasting money and hurting people.

se corre el riesgo de malgastar dinero y de hacer daño a gente.

Please let go of my arm. You're hurting me.

Suéltame el brazo, por favor. Me lastimas.

- Thomas has a stomachache.
- Thomas's stomach is hurting him.

A Tomás le duele la panza.

Sometimes we lie to keep from hurting someone else's feelings.

A veces mentimos para no lastimar los sentimientos de los demás.

So then that way you're not hurting your longterm traffic

Entonces de esa manera no perjudicará su tráfico a largo plazo

That means we are wasting money and we are hurting people.

se malgasta tanto dinero y se hace daño a personas?

We have to do something to stop Tom from hurting himself.

Tenemos que hacer algo para evitar que Tom se haga daño.

How can I explain to my husband that he's hurting me?

¿Cómo le puedo explicar a mi marido que me está haciendo daño?

Afraid of hurting his feelings, I didn't tell him the truth.

- No le he dicho la verdad porque no quise herir sus sentimientos.
- No le dije la verdad por miedo a herir sus sentimientos.

- Afraid of hurting his feelings, I didn't tell him the truth.
- I didn't tell him the truth because I was afraid of hurting his feelings.

- No le he dicho la verdad porque no quise herir sus sentimientos.
- No le dije la verdad por miedo a herir sus sentimientos.

My shoes were hurting me until I wore into them a bit.

- Me hacían daño los zapatos hasta que dieron de sí un poco.
- Me hacían daño los zapatos hasta que cedieron un poco.

The wound stopped hurting after he put a band-aid on it.

La herida dejó de doler cuando él le puso una bandita.

"what you did out of love is harming me, and it's hurting me.

"lo que hiciste por amor me duele y me hace daño.

I didn't tell him the truth because I was afraid of hurting his feelings.

No le dije la verdad por miedo a herir sus sentimientos.

Revenue or if they're hurting them, because not every experiment that you're going to

ingresos, o si por el contrario lo están perjudicando. Porque no todo experimento que

A lie said to avoid hurting someone's feelings and expectations is called a "white lie."

Una mentiras que se dice para evitar herir los sentimientos o las esperanzas de alguien se llama "mentira piadosa".

- My stomach hurts.
- I have a stomachache.
- My tummy hurts.
- My stomach has been hurting.

- Me duele el estómago.
- Me duele mi estómago.

- My heart's aching.
- My heart is in pain.
- My heart is hurting.
- My heart hurts.

Me duele el corazón.

By turning the page, we can dismiss the characters in a book without fear of hurting their feelings.

Al girar la página, podemos mandar retirarse a los personajes de un libro sin miedo a herir sus sentimientos.

- I have sore feet.
- My feet hurt.
- My foot hurts.
- My leg hurts.
- My legs hurt.
- My legs are hurting.

Me duelen los pies.

- My heart's aching.
- My heart is in pain.
- My heart is hurting.
- My heart hurts.
- My heart aches.
- I feel heartache.

Me duele el corazón.

- Tom didn't mean to offend anyone.
- Tom didn't plan on hurting anyone.
- Tom didn't mean to insult anybody.
- Tom didn't want to offend anyone.
- Tom didn't want to offend anybody.

Tom no quiso ofender a nadie.