Translation of "Hurt" in Spanish

0.012 sec.

Examples of using "Hurt" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

Hurt people hurt people.

Las personas heridas hieren a otras personas.

- Is anyone hurt?
- Anyone hurt?

¿Alguien está herido?

- Tom is hurt.
- Tom's hurt.

Tom está herido.

- Don't hurt me.
- Don't hurt me!

¡No me hagas daño!

- Don't hurt her.
- Don't hurt him.

No lo lastimes.

- My eyes hurt.
- My eyes hurt!

¡Me duelen los ojos!

- It doesn't hurt.
- It won't hurt.

No dolerá.

- Is anybody hurt?
- Is anyone hurt?

- ¿Alguien está lastimado?
- ¿Se lastimó alguien?

- Is anybody hurt?
- Is anyone hurt?
- Did anybody get hurt?
- Anybody hurt?
- Anyone hurt?
- Has anyone been hurt?
- Has anybody been hurt?
- Did anyone get hurt?
- Did anyone get injured?
- Did anybody get injured?

- ¿Alguien está lastimado?
- ¿Se lastimó alguien?

- No one's been hurt.
- Nobody's been hurt.
- No one has been hurt.
- Nobody has been hurt.

Nadie ha sido herido.

I'm hurt.

Estoy herido.

Anybody hurt?

¿Alguien está herido?

- That must have hurt!
- That must've hurt.

¡Eso debe haber dolido!

- He hurt me on purpose.
- She hurt me on purpose.
- He hurt me deliberately.
- She hurt me deliberately.

- Me hizo daño adrede.
- Me hizo daño aposta.
- Me hizo daño a propósito.

- Does this hurt?
- Does that hurt?
- Does it hurt when I do that?

¿Eso duele?

- It won't hurt.
- It isn't going to hurt.

No va a doler.

- Did anybody get hurt?
- Did anyone get hurt?

¿Alguien se hizo daño?

- Nobody's been hurt.
- No one has been hurt.

Nadie ha resultado herido.

When you hurt others, you also hurt yourself.

Te perjudicarás a ti mismo si hicieres daño a otros.

Don't hurt me.

- No me lastimes.
- ¡No me hagas daño!
- ¡No nos hagas daño!
- ¡Por favor, no nos hagáis daño!
- ¡No me hagáis daño, por favor!

Tom hurt himself.

Tom se hizo daño.

Are you hurt?

- ¿Estás herido?
- ¿Estás herida?

Tom was hurt.

Tom fue herido.

You hurt him.

Lo heriste.

Does this hurt?

¿Eso duele?

Don't hurt her.

No la lastimes.

Don't hurt him.

No lo lastimes.

You hurt me.

- Me lastimas.
- Me lastimaste.

My ears hurt.

Me duelen las orejas.

My lungs hurt.

Me duelen los pulmones.

Does it hurt?


My eyes hurt.

Me duelen los ojos.

Nobody hurt me.

Nadie me lastimó.

We were hurt.

Estábamos heridos.

It won't hurt.

No dolerá.

It doesn't hurt.

No duele.

Nobody's been hurt.

Nadie ha resultado herido.

Is anyone hurt?

- ¿Nadie está herido?
- ¿No ha salido nadie herido?
- ¿No ha resultado herido nadie?

Everyone was hurt.

Todos resultaron heridos.

Is Tom hurt?

¿Tom está herido?

These shoes hurt.

Estos zapatos me lastiman.

You were hurt.

Estabas herido.

I've hurt myself.

Me lastimé.

My feet hurt.

Me duelen los pies.

My eyes hurt!

¡Me duelen los ojos!

I'm hurt bad.

Estoy gravemente herido.

Who hurt you?

¿Quién te hirió?

This won't hurt.

Esto no te dolerá.

Tom hurt me.

- Tom me lastimó.
- Tom me hirió.

That really hurt.

Eso sí que dolió.

Does that hurt?

¿Te duele?

That would hurt.

Eso dolería.

Yanni hurt Skura.

Yanni le hizo daño a Skura.

- Tom is hurt.
- Tom's hurt.
- Tom's injured.
- Tom's wounded.

Tom está herido.

- No one will hurt you.
- Nobody will hurt you.

Nadie va a lastimarte.

- He hurt me on purpose.
- He hurt me deliberately.

- Me hizo daño adrede.
- Me hizo daño aposta.
- Me hizo daño a propósito.

- No one will hurt you.
- Nobody is going to hurt you.
- Nobody will hurt you.

Nadie va a lastimarte.

- You will hurt yourself.
- You are going to get hurt.

- Te vas a lastimar.
- Te harás daño.

- I'm not going to hurt you.
- I won't hurt you.

No te voy a hacer daño.

- Hard work never hurt anybody.
- Hard work never hurt anyone.

El trabajo duro nunca ha herido a nadie.

- Tom would never hurt anyone.
- Tom would never hurt anybody.

Tom nunca lastimaría a nadie.

- She can't hurt you anymore.
- He can't hurt you anymore.

Ya no te puede lastimar.

I hurt my elbow.

- Me hice daño en el codo.
- Me lastimé el codo.

Where does it hurt?

¿Dónde te duele?

The kid got hurt.

El niño resultó herido.

Did I hurt you?

Te dolió, ¿cierto?

Was anybody else hurt?

¿Alguien más resultó herido?

I got hurt today.

Hoy me lastimé.