Translation of "Gaze" in Spanish

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Gaze" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

A gaze can tell anything.

Una mirada lo puede decir todo.

In your gaze I recognize myself.

En tu mirada mi ser se reconoce.

And I'm standing there with a gaze,

y me quedo mirando distraído,

He wanders around with a searching gaze.

Él está dando vueltas con una mirada expectante.

His love is revealed in his gaze

El amor se trasluce en su mirada.

I like to gaze at the sunset.

Me gusta contemplar el ocaso.

Both Tom and Mary lowered their gaze.

Tanto Tom como Mary bajaron la vista.

They were just here to draw the gaze.

Estaban ahí para desviar su atención hacia ellas.

I quickly turned my gaze to the door.

Rápidamente dirigí mi mirada a la puerta.

He stared at her with a gaze of respect.

Él la miraba con cierta admiración.

They were building telescopes to gaze up at the stars.

Construían telescopios para mirar las estrellas.

She had a deep gaze and beautiful amber brown colored eyes.

Tenía una mirada profunda y unos hermosos ojos de un castaño ambarino.

But in the quiet of my apartment, outside of my teacher's gaze,

Pero en la tranquilidad de mi casa, fuera de la mirada de mi maestra,

And she loved using them to gaze intently into other people's eyes.

y amaba usarlos para mirar intencional y fijamente a los ojos de otras personas.

Don't look into the abyss. Otherwise, the abyss will gaze into you.

No mires al abismo, si no el abismo te mirará a ti.

Her gaze remained fixed as her pale lips slowly moved apart to answer.

Su mirada se mantuvo fija mientras separaba lentamente sus pálidos labios para responder.

As Yolanda entered the conference dressed as a clown, everyone fixed their gaze on her.

Cuando Yolanda entró en la conferencia vestida de payaso, todos se la quedaron mirando.

He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you.

El que lucha contra los monstruos tiene que procurar no convertirse en uno, ya que, cuando se mira durante demasiado tiempo a un abismo, el abismo también os observa.

Every night, we all gaze up at the magnificent starry sky above us thinking about the vastness and the expanse of space... it really is quite a bit to take in.

Cada noche nos fijamos en el magnífico cielo estrellado encima de nosotros, pensando en la inmensidad y la extensión del espacio... realmente es bastante para tomarse.