Translation of "Conscious" in Spanish

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Examples of using "Conscious" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

Tom's conscious.

Tom está consciente.

Is Tom conscious?

¿Está Tom consciente?

Tom became conscious.

Tom volvió a ser consciente.

Tom is conscious.

Tom está consciente.

Man is a conscious being.

El hombre es un ser consciente.

- I was not conscious of his presence.
- I was not conscious of her presence.

Yo no era consciente de su presencia.

Without actively engaging my conscious mind.

sin involucrar activamente a mi mente consciente.

Nobody feels self-conscious about it.

Nadie se siente tímido al respecto.

He was conscious of his mistake.

Él era consciente de su error.

But there's also conscious hip hop.

Pero también hay un hip hop consciente.

Between the unconscious and the conscious mind;

entre el consciente y el subconsciente;

That should be left outside conscious control.

que deberían quedarse fuera del control consciente.

And make conscious efforts to counteract them.

y debemos esforzarnos por combatirlas.

We should be conscious of our shortcomings.

Debemos ser conscientes de nuestras limitaciones.

I was not conscious of her presence.

Yo no era consciente de su presencia.

I wasn't conscious of anyone watching me.

No era consciente de que alguien me estuviera observando.

I was not conscious of his presence.

Yo no era consciente de la presencia de él.

This political party is very environmentally conscious.

Éste partido político es muy consciente por el ambiente.

Our conscious mind is thinking about the radio,

La parte consciente de la mente piensa en la radio,

What’s more Displate is an  environmentally conscious company,  

Además, Displate es una empresa consciente del medio ambiente,

He was not conscious of his own mistake.

Él no era consciente de su propio error.

So psychedelics allow the unconscious mind to become conscious.

La psicodelia permite que la mente inconciente se haga conciente.

She said, "I was so mortified, and self-conscious,

Me dijo, "Me sentía tan mal y tan cohibida,

People are more conscious nowadays and choose healthy food.

La gente está más consciente hoy en día y elige comida sana.

It's about putting into practice a conscious and committed expression.

Se trata de practicar una expresión consciente y comprometida.

And I was a fan of the conscious hip hop.

Y yo era fan del hip hop consciente.

And do the link right from genes to unusual conscious experiences.

y conectar a los genes con estas experiencias conscientes e inusuales.

The warrior is conscious of both his strength and his weakness.

- El guerrero es consciente tanto de su fortaleza, cuanto de su debilidad.
- El guerrero conoce sus puntos fuertes y débiles.
- Un guerrero asimila su fortaleza y debilidad.

I was not conscious what in fact I was doing then.

Yo no era consciente de lo que estaba haciendo en realidad.

And I was also very self conscious about how I talked.

y también era muy consciente de cómo hablaba yo.

The English scholar is not conscious of his lack of common sense.

El erudito inglés no es consciente de su falta de sentido común.

I think she was conscious of being stared at by many boys.

Creo que ella estaba consciente de que la miraban muchos chicos.

To make matters worse, he isn't even conscious of annoying his neighbors.

Para empeorar las cosas, él ni siquiera es consciente de que fastidia a los vecinos.

To behave in a way that runs contrary to your express, conscious wishes."

de comportarse de un modo que va en contra de tus deseos explícitos y conscientes".

The greatest barrier to consciousness is the belief that one is already conscious.

El mayor obstáculo para la conciencia es la creencia de que uno es ya consciente.

As the Holy Koran tells us, "Be conscious of God and speak always the truth."

Y como el Noble Corán dice: teme a Dios y habla siempre con la verdad.

Money. But this is not all! Dawaleh is conscious that for a economie works, it's fundamental

dinero °Pero no sÛlo eso! Dawaleh es consciente de para que una economÌa funcione, es fundamental

Tom is the kind of person who is deeply conscious of how other people think of him.

Tom es alguien que se preocupa mucho por lo que piensan de él los demás.

Happiness is not achieved by the conscious pursuit of happiness; it is generally the by-product of other activities.

La felicidad no es alcanzada por la búsqueda consciente de la felicidad; generalmente es un subproducto de otras actividades.

With this course he will die of starvation, which does not die from the virus. We are at home as conscious people.

Con este curso morirá de hambre, que no muere por el virus. Estamos en casa como personas conscientes.

Everything in the Universe, throughout all its kingdoms, is conscious, i.e., endowed with a consciousness of its own kind and on its own plane of perception.

Todo en el Universo, a través de todos sus reinos, es consciente, es decir, dotado de una conciencia de su propia especie y en su propio plano de percepción.

It is the most important aspect of our lives for a very simple, logical reason, namely, it's a necessary condition on anything being important in our lives that we're conscious.

Es el aspecto más importante de nuestras vidas por la muy simple y lógica razón, a saber, que es una condición necesaria para todo siendo importante en nuestras vidas de que estamos conscientes.

To go on. No. It's enough. To go on weighted down with worlds countries cities. Crowds howling. Covered with climates hemispheres ideas memories. Among the spiderwebs of tombs and the conscious planets.

Seguir. No basta ya. Seguir cargado de mundos de países de ciudades. Muchedumbres aullidos. Cubierto de climas hemisferios ideas recuerdos. Entre telarañas de sepulcro y planetas conscientes.

- I wasn't conscious of anyone watching me.
- I wasn't aware that someone was watching me.
- I wasn't aware someone was watching me.
- I wasn't aware that somebody was watching me.
- I wasn't aware somebody was watching me.

No era consciente de que alguien me estaba vigilando.

It is, I think, an indisputable fact that Americans are, as Americans, the most self-conscious people in the world, and the most addicted to the belief that the other nations of the earth are in a conspiracy to undervalue them.

Es un hecho indiscutible, creo, que los estadounidenses son, como estadounidenses, la gente más consciente de su propia incomodidad social en el mundo, y los más adictos a creer que las demás naciones de la Tierra están en una conspiración para subestimarlos.

In the end, "feminity" is something that a woman is naturally furnished with, there is no need to make any effort to show it, and it's a quality such that even if one were to make conscious efforts to hide it, it would lead to nothing.

Al fin y al cabo, la "feminidad" es algo con lo que la mujer está investida naturalmente, no hace falta ningún esfuerzo para enseñarlo, y es de una calidad tal que incluso si uno fuera a hacer intentos conscientes de ocultarlo no conduciría a nada.