Translation of "Right" in Turkish

0.010 sec.

Examples of using "Right" in a sentence and their turkish translations:

- That's right!
- Right!


- That's right!
- That's right.
- That is right.

- Bu doğru.
- Doğru!

What's right is right.

Doğru olan doğrudur.

- Right on!
- Right on.

- Dosdoğru.
- Tam isabet.


Değil mi?



- That's right!
- Correct!
- Right!
- Exactly!


- You're right.
- You are right.

- Doğru söylüyorsun.
- Haklısın.

- Tom's right.
- Tom is right.

Tom haklı.

- I'm right.
- I am right.

- Ben haklıyım.
- Haklıyım.

When you're right, you're right.

Haklı olduğun zaman haklısın.

- Who's right?
- Who is right?

Kim haklı?

- That's right.
- That is right.

Bu doğru.

- They're right.
- They are right.

Onlar haklı.

- You're right.
- You are right.
- You guys are right.

- Doğru söylüyorsun.
- Haklısın.

- You're quite right.
- You're completely right.
- You're perfectly right.
- You are completely right.

Tamamen haklısın.

- Maybe you're right.
- Perhaps you are right.
- Perhaps you're right.
- You could be right.

- Belki de haklısınız.
- Belki sen haklısın.
- Belki haklısın.

- You are quite right.
- You are absolutely right.
- You're quite right.
- You're completely right.

Çok haklısın.

- You are absolutely right.
- You're completely right.
- You're absolutely right!
- You are completely right.

- Kesinlikle haklısın.
- Sen kesinlikle haklısın!

- Something's not right.
- Something isn't right.
- Something is not right.

Bir şey doğru değil.

- Maybe you're right.
- Perhaps you are right.
- Perhaps you're right.

Belki de haklısınız.

- You're completely right.
- You're completely right!

Kesinlikle haklısın!

- You're absolutely right!
- You're absolutely right.

Sen kesinlikle haklısın!

- That isn't right.
- That's not right.

Bu doğru değil.

All right, I'll be right there.

Pekala, tam orada olacağım.

- It's not right.
- It isn't right.

Doğru değil.

- You're half right.
- You're partly right.

Kısmen haklısın.

- I guessed right.
- I was right.


- You're completely right.
- You're absolutely right.

Tamamen haklısın.

- He was right.
- She was right.


- You're right.
- You're correct.
- You are right.
- You guys are right.

- Haklısınız.
- Siz haklısınız.

- It's not right.
- This isn't correct.
- This isn't right.
- It's not true.
- It isn't right.
- That isn't right.
- That's not right.

Bu doğru değil.

You're right.


VV: Right.

VV: Doğru.

That's right.

Bu doğru.

All right.


Depressing, right?

Moral bozucu, değil mi?

Right now

Şu anda

Obvious, right?

Açık, doğru mu?

Supporter, right?

destekçisi olmasını bekler değil mi?

It's right.

O doğru.

They're right.

Onlar haklı.

Just right!

Oh olsun!

Turn right.

Sağa dön.

We're right.

Biz haklıyız.

I'm right.


That's right!


It's not right, it's never been right.

Bu olanlar doğru değil. Hiçbir zaman da olmadı.

- That's right!
- Correct!
- It's true!
- That's right.


- I am right-handed.
- I'm right-handed.

Ben sağlakım.

- Am I not right?
- Aren't I right?

Haklı değil miyim?

- You're right.
- You're correct.
- You are right.


- That sounds about right.
- Sounds about right.

O yaklaşık olarak doğru görünüyor.

The right word in the right place.

Doğru yerde doğru kelime.

- Apparently you are right.
- Apparently you're right.

Görünüşe göre haklısın.

- Perhaps you are right.
- Perhaps you're right.

Belki sen haklısın.

- You were right.
- You guys were right.

Siz haklıydınız.

- That sounds about right.
- That's probably right.

O muhtemelen doğru.

Right is right and wrong is wrong.

Doğru doğrudur ve yanlış yanlıştır.

- Maybe you're right.
- Perhaps you are right.

Belki haklısın.

- You are absolutely right.
- You're absolutely right.

Kesinlikle haklısın.

- You're German, right?
- You are German, right?

Sen Almansın, değil mi?

- Tom's here, right?
- Tom is here, right?

Tom burada, değil mi?

- Stop right now.
- Stop that right now.

Şimdi kes.

- You are quite right.
- You are absolutely right.
- You're quite right.
- You're completely right.
- You're absolutely right!
- You're perfectly right.
- You are completely right.
- You are entirely correct.
- You are absolutely correct.
- You're totally right.
- You're absolutely correct.

Tamamen haklısın.

- Something's not right.
- Something isn't right.
- Something is wrong.
- Something is not right.

Bir şey doğru değil.

- You know I'm right.
- You know that I'm right.
- They know I'm right.

- Haklı olduğumu biliyorsun.
- Haklı olduğumu biliyorsunuz.

- You're right about that one.
- You're right about that.
- You're right about this.

Bu konuda haklısın.

- I think you're right.
- I think that you're right.
- I'm afraid you're right.

Sanırım sen haklısın.

- Let's start right away.
- Let's leave right away.

Derhal gidelim.

- Tom was probably right.
- Tom is probably right.

Tom büyük olasılıkla haklıydı.

- Keep to the right.
- Keep to the right!

- Sağ tarafta kalın.
- Sağdan gidiniz.

- I'll be right over.
- I'm coming right now.

Hemen geliyorum.

- Please turn right.
- Please turn to the right.

Lütfen sağa dönün.

- It's not quite right.
- It isn't quite right.

Bu bütünüyle doğru değil.

- Please leave right away.
- Please go right away.

Lütfen hemen terk edin.

- I'll come right over.
- I'll come right away.

Derhal geleceğim.

- It's just not right.
- That's just not right.

Bu gerçekten doğru değil.