Translation of "Sailed" in Russian

0.019 sec.

Examples of using "Sailed" in a sentence and their russian translations:

That ship has sailed.

- Тот корабль отплыл.
- Поезд ушёл.

We sailed against the wind.

Мы плыли против ветра.

He sailed through the examination.

Он легко справился с экзаменом.

He sailed the Seven Seas.

Он переплыл семь морей.

We have sailed into Atlantic hurricanes.

Нас настигали ураганы в Атлантическом океане.

The boat sailed around the promontory.

Лодка обогнула мыс.

The ship sailed down the river.

Корабль шёл вниз по реке.

The ship sailed up the Thames.

- Корабль прошёл вверх по Темзе.
- Корабль шёл вверх по Темзе.

The ship sailed over the water.

Корабль плыл по воде.

The ship sailed through the Suez Canal.

Корабль плыл через Суэцкий канал.

Across the lake sailed a little boat.

По озеру плыла маленькая лодочка.

Perry finally sailed into Tokyo Bay in 1853.

В 1853 году Перри наконец вошел в Токийский залив.

We have sailed all the way to the polar ice shelf.

Мы достигали полярных шельфовых ледников.

- That ship has sailed.
- The train left.
- It's mustard after the meal.

Поезд ушёл.

- The ship went through the Suez Canal.
- The ship sailed through the Suez Canal.

Корабль плыл через Суэцкий канал.

But that when he sailed to England seeking further fame and riches, he was shipwrecked

Но когда он отплыл в Англию в поисках дальнейшей славы и богатства, он потерпел кораблекрушение

- You've missed the boat.
- We've missed the boat.
- He's missed the boat.
- She's missed the boat.
- They've missed the boat.
- That ship has sailed.
- The train left.
- That train has left the station.

Поезд ушёл.