Translation of "Rattles" in Russian

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Rattles" in a sentence and their russian translations:

-[snake rattles] -That's probably smart.

Это умное решение.

So much noise rattles me.

От такого шума я глохну.

-Don't go anywhere, stay there. -[rattles]

Никуда не уходи, оставайся там.

-Let's get the snake away. -[snake rattles]

Прогоним змею.

And then the venom drips down the fangs, into the glass jar. -Okay. -[snake rattles]

и яд стечет по клыкам в стеклянную банку. Хорошо.

So you want me to try and catch this rattlesnake -[snake rattles] -by grabbing him by the tail?

Хотите, чтобы я поймал эту гремучую змею, схватив ее за хвост?