Translation of "Suzuki" in Portuguese

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Suzuki" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

- That's the spirit, Mr Suzuki.
- That's the spirit, Mr. Suzuki.

Esse é o espírito, Senhor Suziki.

- When did Mr Suzuki leave Japan?
- When did Mr. Suzuki leave Japan?

Quando o senhor Suzuki saiu do Japão?

Mr Suzuki teaches us English.

O senhor Suzuki nos ensina inglês.

This is Mr Suzuki speaking.

O Sr. Suzuki fala.

Mr. Suzuki is a great scientist.

Sr. Suzuki é um grande cientista.

- Mrs Suzuki was giving a speech that afternoon.
- Mr. Suzuki was giving a speech that afternoon.

O Sr. Suzuki fez um discurso na tarde desse dia.

Mr Suzuki, our new teacher, teaches us English.

O senhor Suzuki, nosso novo professor, ensina-nos inglês.

Mr. Suzuki studied French before he went to France.

Mr. Suzuki estudou francês antes de ir à França.

Mr. Suzuki persuaded his son to drop his plan to study abroad.

- O Sr. Suzuki convenceu o filho dele a largar o plano de estudar no exterior.
- O Sr. Suzuki convenceu o filho a largar o seu plano de estudar no exterior.

Mr Suzuki, as far as I know, has not returned from Hawaii yet.

Pelo que eu sei, o Sr. Suzuki ainda não voltou do Havaí.