Translation of "Sailed" in Portuguese

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Examples of using "Sailed" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

We sailed against the wind.

Nós navegamos contra o vento.

He sailed the Seven Seas.

Ele navegou os sete mares.

The pirates sailed the seven seas.

- Os piratas navegavam pelos sete mares.
- Os piratas percorriam os sete mares.

The ship sailed along the coast.

O navio navegou pela costa.

We sailed from Yokohama to Kobe.

Velejamos de Yokohama até Kobe.

The boat sailed across the Pacific Ocean.

O barco navegou pelo oceano Pacífico.

They sailed along the west coast of Africa.

Eles navegaram pela costa oeste da África.

Perry finally sailed into Tokyo Bay in 1853.

Perry finalmente navegou para a Baía de Tóquio em 1853.

While my fleet had already sailed the Persian Gulf.

enquanto minha frota já havia navegdo o Golfo Pérsico.

Although the ships were heavy, they sailed quite quickly.

Embora os navios estivessem pesados, navegavam bem rápido.

They sailed for months in hope of "gold and glory".

Navegaram durante meses com a esperança do ouro e glória.

- That ship has sailed.
- The train left.
- It's mustard after the meal.

O trem se foi.

… who has sailed into the Great Sea from both mouths of the Indus,

... que navegou no Grande Mar pelas duas desembocaduras do Indo,

But that when he sailed to England seeking further fame and riches, he was shipwrecked

Mas quando ele navegou para a Inglaterra em busca de mais fama e riquezas, ele naufragou

"I sailed around the Mediterranean in a schooner when I was seventeen," she recited slowly and carefully.

"Quando tinha 17 anos de idade, velejei pelo Mediterrâneo numa escuna", ela recitou lenta e cuidadosamente.

After we had sailed for some days, it happened a storm, and on the fifth night the ship split.

Depois de navegarmos por alguns dias, aconteceu uma tempestade, e na quinta noite o navio abriu-se em fendas.

- You've missed the boat.
- We've missed the boat.
- He's missed the boat.
- She's missed the boat.
- They've missed the boat.
- That ship has sailed.
- The train left.
- That train has left the station.

O trem partiu.

"In sight of Troy lies Tenedos, an isle / renowned and rich, while Priam held command, / now a mere bay and roadstead fraught with guile. / Thus far they sailed, and on the lonely strand / lay hid,"

"Do litoral de Troia se avistava / Tênedos, ilha que ficou famosa / e prosperou sob o troiano cetro / (hoje não passa de inseguro ancoradouro); / os gregos para lá se transferiram, / na retirada costa se escondendo."

"Thither we sailed, when, rising with the wave, / Orion dashed us on the shoals, the prey / of wanton winds, and mastering billows drave / our vessels on the pathless rocks astray. / We few have floated to your shore."

"Nossa rota levava a tal destino. / Eis de repente o proceloso Oríon, / encapelando as ondas, nos empurra / para ocultos baixios, e, ajudado / pelo ímpeto dos austros, nos dispersa / completamente sobre as ondas, sob a vaga / salgada e entre recifes sem passagem; / aqui estamos os poucos que escapamos / e nadando alcançamos vossas praias".