Translation of "Hens" in Portuguese

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Examples of using "Hens" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

Black hens lay white eggs.

As galinhas pretas põem ovos brancos.

The wolf snatched two hens.

O lobo arrebatou duas galinhas.

Pigeons and hens are birds.

As pombas e as galinhas são aves.

Those hens lay eggs almost every day.

- Essas galinhas põem ovos quase todo dia.
- Essas galinhas botam ovos quase todo dia.

Cows give us milk, and hens eggs.

As vacas nos fornecem leite, e as galinhas ovos.

The cackles of hens always make me laugh.

Os cacarejos das galinhas sempre me fazem rir.

Our hens laid a lot of eggs yesterday.

Nossas galinhas puseram muitos ovos ontem.

We have two dogs, three cats, and six hens.

Temos dois cachorros, três gatos e seis galinhas.

Roosters can crow but it's the hens who lay the eggs.

Os galos sabem cantar, mas são as galinhas que botam ovos.