Translation of "With  " in Polish

0.017 sec.

Examples of using "With  " in a sentence and their polish translations:

Communicating with each other with vulnerability,

Pokazywanie się od słabszej strony

- Come with us.
- Come with us!

Chodź z nami.

- Go with them!
- Go with them.

Idź z nimi!

- Deal with it!
- Deal with it.

- Pogódź się z tym.
- Poradź sobie z tym.

- Come with me.
- Come with me!

Chodź ze mną!

With pleasure.

Nie ma za co.

With pleasure!

Z przyjemnością!

- Come along with us.
- Come with us.

Chodź z nami.

- Sit down with me.
- Sit with me.

Usiądź koło mnie.

- I'm OK with that.
- I'm okay with that.
- I'm OK with it.

Zgadzam się na to.

My relationship with people, with humans was changing.

Moje relacje z ludźmi zmieniały się.

I was lonely, with nobody to play with.

Byłem sam, nie miałem towarzysza zabaw.

- I take sides with him.
- I'm with him.

Jestem z nim.

- Treat her with respect.
- Treat them with respect.

Traktuj ją z szacunkiem.

- Down with corrupt politicians.
- Down with corrupt politicians!

Precz ze skorumpowanymi politykami!

- Peace be with you!
- Peace be with you.

- Pokój z Tobą!
- Pokój z tobą.

- God be with you.
- God be with you!

- Bóg z tobą.
- Bóg z wami.

You either go with me, or with him.

Oni idą albo ze mną albo z nim.

- Stay here with me.
- Stay with me here.

Zostań tu ze mną.

- Who is coming with me?
- Who will come with me?
- Who's coming with me?

Kto pójdzie ze mną?

- What is the matter with you?
- What's wrong with you?
- What is wrong with you?
- What's the matter with you?

Co z tobą jest nie tak?

With Myasthenia Gravis.

miastenii rzekomoporaźnej.

With another man.

z mężczyzną.

Except, with neurons,

W przypadku neuronów,

Than with females.

niż z partnerkami.

With five planets,

z pięcioma planetami.

Flirting with breeze.

flirtujący z wiatrem.

With two babies.

Z dwoma maluchami.

With chemical weapons.

bronią chemiczną.

With their money.

ale na cudzych pieniądzach.

Yes, with pleasure.

Tak, z przyjemnością.

Stay with me.

Zostań ze mną.

Stay with Tom.

Zostań z Tomem.

Check with Tom.

Sprawdźcie u Tomka.

Sit with me.

Siadaj ze mną.

I'm with him.

Jestem z nim.

I'm with NTT.

Pracuję w NTT.

Dance with her!

Zatańcz z nią!

Go with Tom.

Idź z Tomem.

I'm with Tom.

Jestem z Tomem.

Dance with me.

Zatańcz ze mną.

Ride with me.

Jedź ze mną.

Dance with angels.

Taniec z aniołami.

They're with me.

One należą do mnie.

- What's wrong with you?
- What is wrong with you?

Co z tobą jest nie tak?

- Tom works with Mary.
- Tom is working with Mary.

Tom pracuje z Mary.

- I sympathize with you.
- I do sympathize with you.

Współczuję ci.

- I am going with you.
- I'm going with you.

Idę z Tobą.

- Who is coming with me?
- Who's coming with me?

Kto idzie ze mną?

- What's up with them?
- What's the matter with them?

Co jest z nimi?

- I don't agree with you.
- I disagree with you.

Nie zgadzam się z tobą.

- What's wrong with me?
- What is wrong with me?

Co jest ze mną nie tak?

- I don't agree with you.
- I disagree with you.
- I do not agree with you.

Nie zgadzam się z tobą.

- He lives with his parents.
- He's living with his parents.
- She's living with her parents.

Ona żyje z rodzicami.

- He absconded with the money.
- He ran away with the money.
- He fled with the money.

Uciekł z pieniędzmi.

- What's up with you?
- What is it with you?
- What have you got?
- What's with you?

Co pan ma?

You're dealing with a character I'm playing with my sensibility.

macie do czynienia z postacią, którą gram własną wrażliwością.

Usually avoided water with morphine to play with other rats,

często omijały wodę z morfiną i bawiły się z innymi szczurami,

- She is babbling with happiness.
- She is drunk with happiness.

Jest pijana ze szczęścia.

- He went along with her.
- He went together with her.

Poszedł razem z nią.

- I cannot agree with you.
- I can't agree with you.

Nie mogę się z tobą zgodzić.

- Tom passed with flying colors.
- Tom passed with flying colours.

Tom zdał śpiewająco.

- I totally agree with you.
- I totally agree with you!

Całkowicie się z tobą zgadzam.

- She cannot deal with stress.
- He cannot cope with stress.

Nie potrafi opanować stresu.

- I live with my parents.
- I'm living with my parents.

Mieszkam z rodzicami.

- I've seen you with Tom.
- I saw you with Tom.

- Widziałem cię z Tomem.
- Widziałam cię z Tomem.

- Are you OK with this?
- Are you okay with this?

Czy to ci odpowiada?

- Tom changed places with Mary.
- Tom exchanged seats with Mary.

Tom zamienił się miejscami z Mary.

- I catch up with you.
- I'll catch up with you.

Dogonię cię.

- We made friends with Jane.
- I've become friends with Jane.

Zaprzyjaźniliśmy się z Jane.

- He is furious with anger.
- He is boiling with rage.

Jest wściekły do białości.

- All is well with me.
- With me everything is OK.

Ze mną wszystko w porządku.

- Would you play with me?
- Will you play with me?

Czy zagrasz ze mną?

- Cows provide us with milk.
- Cows supply us with milk.

Krowy dostarczają nam mleka.

- Tom broke up with Mary.
- Tom broke up with Marie.

Tom rozstał się z Marią.

- Can I sit with you?
- May I sit with you?

Czy mogę usiąść obok ciebie?

- Tom broke up with Mary.
- Tom split up with Mary.
- Tom doesn't go out with Mary anymore.

Tom zerwał z Mary.

- You are to come with me.
- I need you to come with me.
- You must come with me.
- You'll have to come with me.

Musisz pójść ze mną.

- Are you through with the newspaper?
- Are you through with the paper?
- Are you done with the paper?
- Are you finished with the paper?

Przeczytał już pan gazetę?

What's up with that?

O co chodzi?

With a financial reward.

w nagrodę pieniężną.

What's wrong with you?

Co z wami nie tak?

You're coming with me.

Chodźcie ze mną.

It's flirting with sound.

Flirtuje z dźwiękiem.

With the trade winds.

z pasatami.

With trepidation and dread.

drżąc ze strachu.

With the bear occupied,

Niedźwiedź jest zajęty

With founding a bank?"

z jego założeniem?”.

Or with our bodies.

lub uszczerbkiem na zdrowiu.

Make friends with reality.

Zaprzyjaźnijcie się z rzeczywistością.

Lola danced with grace.

Lola tańczyła z wdziękiem.

Face adversity with courage.

Przeciwnościom stawiaj czoła z odwagą.

I'm cool with that.


Don't associate with them.

Nie zadawaj się z nimi.