Translation of "Skinny" in Japanese

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Skinny" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

The children were skinny dipping.


- He was painfully thin.
- She was painfully thin.
- He was painfully skinny.
- She was painfully skinny.


It's more polite to say thin than skinny.


That man is skinny, but his wife is fat.


The Japanese onsen is a nice place for skinny-dipping.


A skinny black kid in a kind of somewhat racist town.

人種差別的な町に住む 痩せた黒人の子供でした

- The children were swimming in the altogether.
- The children were skinny dipping.
- The children were swimming in the nude.
- The children were swimming naked.


- If you want to become thin, you should cut back on the between-meal snacks.
- If you want to get skinny, you should stop grazing between meals.


”Dad, come play tag with the two of us. You're it." "Grrr, where are the naughty kids? I'm gonna catch them and eat them up. Aha, gotcha!" "Ahh! Don't eat me, I'm too skinny! Mary tastes better!" "Tom, you traitor!"
