Translation of "Pups'" in Japanese

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Examples of using "Pups'" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

The pups' eyes work best underwater.


Inexperienced seal pups are soft targets.

‎幼いオットセイは ‎格好の獲物だ

The young pups seek safety in numbers.


Each female can have over 100 pups.

‎1匹のメスが ‎100匹以上産むことも

Six newborn pups, just a few hours old.

‎6匹の子供を産んだ ‎まだ生まれて数時間

It's May, and the pups are now four months old.

‎今は5月 ‎子供たちは生後4ヵ月だ

Normally, otter pups move on when their mother gives birth again.

‎通常 カワウソの子供は ‎親離れして生きる

And the pups on high alert, it's hard to sneak in unnoticed.

‎子供も警戒している ‎忍び込むのは難しい