Translation of "Camp" in Japanese

0.020 sec.

Examples of using "Camp" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

- We came back to camp before dark.
- We returned to camp before dark.
- We went back to camp before dark.


We met at summer camp.


We made camp near the lake.


They are in the same camp.


You can't camp on the moon.


In 2018, at our annual summer camp,


So we could camp in this cave,


Need to think about making camp somewhere.


It rained and cattle camp was ended,

雨が降って 家畜用のテントは閉鎖しましたが

We came back to camp before dark.


I ran away from the training camp.


We need to think about making camp somewhere.


Or we make a camp in the tree.


Or we make a camp in a tree.


Who survived years in a Nazi concentration camp.

神経科医で精神科医の ヴィクトール・フランクルが書いた本です

I would like to join the summer camp.


The soldiers were making for the enemy camp.


There is a training camp with the club.


And so, as we're driving up to this camp,


They visited us at the camp during summer vacation.


The two boys became intimate friends at the camp.


He and I were in the same camp then.


I persuaded her after all and went to camp.

- 私はとうとう彼女を説得してキャンプに行った。
- 結局わたしは彼女を説得し、キャンプへ行った。

He decided that I needed to go to basketball camp.

父は私をバスケットボールキャンプに 行かせようと決めました

"You know what, I'm not going back to this camp."

「あのね 僕はこのキャンプに 戻るつもりはないからね」

Which makes it a less good place to camp, though.


Or we make a camp in the tree. You decide.

木で野宿するか 決めて

Each of his friends is going to camp this summer.


The refugees took shelter in a Red Cross refugee camp.


So, you want me to make a camp in the tree?


In 1803 Davout was given  command of the Camp of Bruges,  


He took Major Marmont with him as an aide-de-camp.


By the time we reached base camp and the Khumbu Icefall...

ベースキャンプと クンブ氷瀑に着く頃には…

The general decided to launch an offensive against the enemy camp.


So you think the best idea is to camp in the cave.

ほら穴の中での野宿が 最善策(さいぜんさく)?

Definitely getting darker now. I need to think about making camp somewhere.

暗くなってきた どこかで野宿しなきゃ

And to marathons at the North Pole, and from Everest Base Camp.

北極やエベレストのベースキャンプの マラソンへと導きました

At the end of the day, my father picked me up from camp,

その日の練習が終わり 父がキャンプに迎えに来ました

And do like the orangutans do, make a camp actually in the tree,

オランウータンのように 木で野宿する

We were down at the South Col camp when we got the word...

ついに登頂成功という知らせは 南コルのキャンプで聞きました

We'll have to camp out if we can't find a place to stay.


And this camp, none of my friends were going to, it was just me.

そしてこのキャンプには 私の友達は一人も参加していなくて私だけでした

His private military staff, made up of  aides-de-camp, liaison officers and couriers.


At the summer camp, she was in charge of the group I belonged to.


We found it very hard going back to our base camp in the blizzard.


Refugees in that camp have been living from hand to mouth for a month.


They left the camp early in the morning, arriving in the town before noon.


Cave goes all the way in. And this wouldn't be a bad place to camp.

ほら穴が続(つづ)いてる ここは野宿にいい

Seeing double!”, he told his aide-de-camp,  making a joke of Davout’s spectacle-wearing.

ていたに違いありません !」と彼は副官に語り、ダヴーのスペクタクルを身に着けていることを冗談で言いました。

And served as aide-de-camp to General Dumouriez, commanding the Army of the North.


The refugees in that camp have been living from hand to mouth for a month.


About the camp coming up, we'll prepare the food so could you arrange three cars?


During the Second World War, German Nazis killed many people at the Auschwitz concentration camp.


The Clinton camp became desperate to eliminate the white votes Obama had got in both states.


So you want me to make a camp in the tree? That's probably not a bad idea.

木の上で野宿するんだな 悪(わる)くないぞ

When war broke out, Ney was made an officer, and became aide-de-camp to General Lamarche:


Army of Italy. Murat was promoted Colonel  and went with him as his new aide-de-camp.


With both mind and body in their best condition, let's look forward to the newcomers' training camp.


Pitching camp on sand banks that go under at high tide is a truly stupid thing to do.


Ney had been quick to recognise his talent, giving him a job as his aide-de-camp and helping


So we could camp in this cave, and it's gonna be good for the medicine, it's much cooler in there.

ここで野宿してもいい くすりを涼(すず)しい場所に 置(お)いておける

So we could camp in this cave... and it's gonna be good for the medicine, it's much cooler in there.

ここで野宿してもいい くすりを涼(すず)しい場所に 置(お)いておける

I'm going to a training camp tomorrow. However it's not the physical side that I'll be training, but the mental.


They arrived in Southern Rhodesia, and there was a choice of an immigrants' camp, consisting of mud huts with a communal water supply, or a hotel; and they chose the hotel, being what are known as people of means.
