Translation of "Horsemen" in Italian

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Examples of using "Horsemen" in a sentence and their italian translations:

Famine is one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

La carestia è uno dei quattro cavalieri dell'Apocalisse.

He divides the army, sending 10,000 horsemen towards the fragmented Polish lands and another

Divide l'esercito, inviando 10.000 cavalieri verso le frammentate terre polacche e un'altra

Their front line was a wall of cavalry, about 10,000 horsemen from across the empire

La loro avanguardia era composta da una muraglia di cavalleria, circa 10.000 cavalieri provenienti da tutto l'impero: medi

horsemen was brief, as the Byzantines stuck to their commander’s plan to keep the position

dei cavalieri fu breve, poiché i bizantini si fermarono a mantenere la posizione